How did this happen to me?

I took someone’s advise and told my boyfriend about my problems and he broke up with me. He told me that he doesn’t want to date someone who is so messed up. I loved him. I don’t know what has happen to me. I guess things have been going good, I haven’t left my home in like a month, but I haven’t tried anything in like a few weeks. How does this happen to people? How did this happen to me?

Answer #1

I’m in a similar situation. My girlfriend has a lot of problems: living with a brother who sexually abused her 6 years ago, parents who sometimes seem like it is their solitary goal to make her life hell through both physical and heavy emotional abuse.

These are some of the reasons that her ex-boyfriend broke up with her. Personally, I think he’s a douche, but I won’t get into that. Instead of abandoning her, I’ve decided to stay with her and help her with her problems. My thinking is that it boils down to the type of person you are; do you really want to be with somebody who will abandon you as soon as it gets a bit rough?

It is true that he may just be incapable of dealing with some of your problems; I sure as hell know that I’ve gone through that thinking.

My advice is go out and live your life, and just be yourself. When the right guy comes along, somebody who cares about you and helps instead of leaves, it will be much better than being with a guy who hides from your problems.

Answer #2

honey i am totally agree with juniperone answer. Please act on her advise and with help of god you wiil get over from depression.

Answer #3

You should forget this b/f, find an other one, go out with him and love your own life. I mean THE life itself. Life is a big gift from God.

Answer #4

Let’s open the blinds, get some sunshine and take a deep breath here…let’s look at the situation logically for a moment.

Your boyfriend said that he did not wish to be in a relationship with someone with your emotional problems. That was very honest of him. He is telling you that he is either incapable or unwilling. Can you really honestly blame him for feeling that way? Understandably, he wasn’t willing to sign up to be the kind of man who has a sad, depressed, emotionally disturbed girl on his arm. It doesn’t mean he’s a jerk or that you are unlovable. It simply means that he is either incapable or unwilling. Would you be willing to jump into shark infested waters once someone told you there were sharks in there?

I’ve had guys break up with me because I had a son and they couldn’t handle being a role model. You know what? Bullet dodged, they couldn’t give me what I needed.

What you need to understand is that you have to be able to present yourself to someone as a healthy, wise person who knows herself. You can’t a man to automatically be willing to sign up to join you in your misery and/or to try in vain to get you out of it . You seem a bit dramatic and severely depressed. Honestly, sweetie, healthy people don’t want to date people who are dramatic and depressed. We want to be happy in love! No one in their right mind wants to constantly drag someone through the mud into the light and tap dance or juggle to make someone else happy. Love is happy and warm and light and caring and it’s about making each other’s lives happier and easier. It’s not all about the problems that one person is experiencing. In the movies, it often works that way, but in real life, it’s tiring and emotionally draining on the other person.

Be logical here for a moment…you’ve got some issues you need to work through. You’re a bit self-absorbed, depressed, and somewhat dramatic. You have lost a relationship due to that. Time to make things better. Do we close the blinds and cry and say “why does this happen to me?” and feel sorry for ourselves forever and ever? Or do we take steps to change, learn from the loss and do something to make things better?

Seek out help professionally and start healing yourself instead of looking to unload your emotional burdens upon some poor schmuck who just wants a nice, fun girlfriend that he can spend time with. You were asking him to jump onto your Titanic and he bailed ship–it was too much to ask and ultimately unfair.

Seek out your happiness, focus on that one day at a time. You simply must. One day at a time, one little thing to change your cycle of depression. Try drawing a picture with a pencil. Try taking a walk and get a coffee. Try riding a bike around the block. Rearrange your bedroom or paint it. Get organized. Do something that is different from what you do every day that is keeping you miserable.

You deserve it. You are lovable. Find what makes you lovable.

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