How does arng work it, allounces or just aplace tostay and eat?

Ok so I got all myinfo and talk to a recruter now he made itunclear and I’ve tried to search myself andhave had no results, so what do they help you with? Doyou stay in barracks and eat at a mess hall or doyou get allounces for such things?

Im asking because im leaveing myappartment after I join and iwant tomake sure I cover all ends.

Answer #1

during basic you will will b pooled with reserves,arng and regular ARMY after that you will go to AIT (advanced individual training) for your specific MOS (military ocupational speciality) during these 2 periods you will get active duty pay after that depending on what your status is weather its ARNG, reserves or Regular Army will determine what benefits you are entitled to if you arng or reserves you will not get (BAS) which is money for food or (BAQ) money for housing if you go reglar Army they will give you a barraks to live in and a meal card to eat at the chow hall or if you are married they give you housing and money for food

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