Does a haiku have to rhyme?

Does a japanese haiku have to rhyme? Can you give me an example? Thanks (trying to make up some space now…)

Answer #1

XD omg I love that 1

Answer #2

When you rub your dick

You might find a discharge that

Winds up on the floor.

  • kenny mcormick haiku
Answer #3

Nope! It just has to follow the format. ^_^ 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables again in the third/last line. x] It doesn’t have to rhyme at all. xD

An example? Here’s one I made up. xD

I love chocolate. (5) It is amazingly good. (7) It makes me happy. (5)

See? No rhyming. ^_^ But I followed the syllable format. That’s what a haiku is. x]

Answer #4

nope… lol we just went over that in english… SO DONE with poetry for a good year! An example is… As the wind does blow

    Across the trees, I see the

            Buds blooming in May
Answer #5

a haiku does not have to rhyme. it just has to have

5 syllables 7syllables 5 syllables

I’m not sure what a japanese haiku is,, but the normal ones are just like that. example:

a very old man man held a tattered cardboard sign begging on the streets

Answer #6


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