How Do you Make out With Someone?

Imma Be Honest! I Never Made out With a guy or Even Kissed one. So like How Do you do it?? Im Kinda Confused! Like When I AM Gunna Make out with my boyfriend I dont Wanna Seem like a bad kisser And An Idiot!!! I kinda Feel Stupid for Even Asking!!! HELP! :(

Answer #1

I took the easy way out. Ha I always do. I just ask my boyfriend if the kiss is regular or French. If it’s French it’s a lot simpler than you think! You are one small step away from being a kissing noob to being Miss Experienced. The key is to be relaxed, which was hard for me my first kiss. I was too excited and it was too fast. It might just take a few tries for you to get used to the idea. Honestly there’s this rumor I heard of but it’s not true. The idea that noses get in the way of kissing. Nope not true unless one of you has a HUGE nose. And then as for French kissing, all you have to do is think of like a tongue square dance, ya know? Just be alive and move your tongue and he’d move his, simple as that. Just make sure you are calm and into it, because being restless or nervous or excited makes it difficult to concentrate. Finally, all you have to do is get the first time over with. Also at first I had terrible aim with kissing but my boyfriend didn’t mind. We made a little joke out of it :) If you are good friends with your boyfriend, if you are close to him, then it will be easy.

Answer #2

well you cant really explain to someone how to make out with someone because it kinda just comes natural once you start makin out you just know what to do, it will be extremely awkward at first because it will be your first time and you probably wont be the best your first time but if the guy really likes you he wont care. But its not as bad as it seems the first time I made out with someone I was scared I was gunna mess up and stuff like that but once your lips touch everything is okay and your gunna want to make out all the time lol

Answer #3

It’s going to be mad awkward at first. Get really close to him for awhile, and then kiss him. If he wants more, than he’ll start to do it. Just move your lips with his, and stick your tounge in there. If you want to stop or something just slow it down, keep it there for a second, and then pull back and smile at him. It’s easy.

Answer #4

ok make shure you guyes aare both in the mood and the when he leans in you first kiss closed mouthed for like secs you know a short time then you open you mouth as well will he the you guyes play tounge chase twrile your tounge around his feel on him as he will on you and push on his toune slightly play around with the tounge never just let your tounge just sit there (its a turn off) B-) hope I helped

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