How do you make out?

just wondering because im probably going to make out with this guy and I dont want him to think im an amature

Answer #1

It’s all about communication, though in an odd sort of way. ;)

First, don’t just dive in and stick your tongue right into his mouth. Go slow. Long, lingering kisses on the lips is a great start. Pay attention to his reactions: if he parts his lips, gently lick them during the next long kiss. Your hands are important, too: wrap your arms tighter around his neck to pull him closer, or gently caress his cheek while you kiss him.

If he opens his mouth more during a kiss (or even better, slips his tongue inside of your mouth), do the same. Explore his mouth with your tongue. It’s not a sword fight (tongue fight?!), but a slow and sensual exploration of each other. Run your tongue along the back of his teeth and try to bite his lower lip gently.

And it’s not just about kissing on the mouth! Break away from a kiss to gently kiss him along his jawline, or nibble on his neck or ear a bit. Give him light kisses up and down his collarbone, and run your hands along his chest. Don’t be afraid to grab him or kiss him harder if that’s what you’re feeling! And vary the intensity: some light kisses, some hard and passionate ones.

Most importantly of all, though: pay attention to his reactions! You’ll be able to tell if he likes something: faster breathing, more intense kissing, even an “Mmmm” of delight. If he does that, keep doing what you’re doing, then try something else for awhile… but remember to go back to what he likes! If he doesn’t like something, you won’t get much of a reaction; things will stay kinda the same.

It takes practice, and everyone’s an amateur for at least a little while. Don’t EVER be afraid to tell him (with words! Hints don’t work) if you like something or don’t like it. And don’t ever be afraid to ask him what he likes or dislikes. Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is what’ll make you a better kisser in the end.

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