How do you know when a guy is playing you?

Can someone please tel me when yu can tell a guy is playing you cause I want to know if this guy really likes me or if hes just acting like it Please help : )

Answer #1

uhmm .. I need some help :/ .. well the I was going out with this kid .. and we broke up after 2 years I told him that I still liked him .. and he told me that he like me too and that I was the best thing that ever happend to him .. and that he misses me .. well back then he had a girl for 7 months .. but they broke up .. and like I talked to him again .. and he told me that at this point he doesnt want to make a move .. because he is messed up .. and if go back out he doesnt want to hurt me and blah blah blah .. well anywaizz .. my friend now is going out with one of his friends .. and she told me that her boyfriend found out that the guy that I like only talks to me beacause he doesnt want me to get hurt .. :/ .. is this true ?? .. like idont know .. beucase the things that he said to me where likee sooo truee ..that I dont believe that .. Help me plzzz :D

Answer #2

well if he flirts and compliemnts you tnen he might be into you

but if he does the above that I mentioned and you catch or hear him doing the same to another girl then- this isMY opinion- but hes one of those player type of guys… liking too many girls at once or just trying to get sumthin from them! so watch out!

but I can be wrong so some signs that help is:

  1. watch his body language (gets near you or were his eyes look at..)

  2. does he blush when he talks to you or sumone mentions you?

  3. does he stutter?

  4. is it easy or hard 4 him to have a long eye connection? and if you had eye connection how long and who looked away first.

  5. does he treat you soo nice compared to others?

  6. compliments/flirts with you?

  7. tryes to know more about you and even ask your frinds or try to hang out with your frinds?

these are some signs I can think of (juss google it up lol) but remember : ALL GUYS ARE DIFFERENT SO ITS VERY HARD WITH OR WITHOUT SIGNS TO TELL WHAT A BOY FEELS ABOUT A girl SOMETIMES.. good luck chica! :)

Answer #3

at that age more than likely… but heres the thing:

your in control and you say what happens. so if he tries to kiss you and your still not sure, pull back untill you are sure

as for knowing the signs… I dont think I can think of any, sry :)

Answer #4

thanks yuuu that helped a wholee lot I love yuu girl lol : )

Answer #5

okay thank yu and I love yuuu girll that helped a whole lott : )

Answer #6

ok thanks for yur help tho : )

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