How do you know if a guy likes you?

Theres this guy I think likes me but im not sure because whenever I look I see him keep glancing at me but he always turns around around really quickly so im not sure, what do you think? How else can you tell if a guy likes you?

Answer #1

but do you think this guy likes me? im still not sure :~

Answer #2

Maybe he was trying to look at the girl behind you and you were just sitting there (no offence) or maybe he’s just too shy to ask you out you should walk up to him just to say hi and ask him how things are going and eventually if he asks you out say yes (only if you like him and he’s hot and sweet of course!)I’m sure your sweet, funny, and smart and any guy would love you!

Good Luck Ivana!!

Answer #3

Welll…. Here are some ways 2 tell:

Does he make a lot of eye contact w/ u? Does he compliment you a lot? Does he “playfully “ touch you on the arm or something?

If all three are yes….. Theres a possibility he likes u.


Answer #4

all he does is start to look at me and when he sees he just turns quickly back around.

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