How do you know your in love?

Please I know this is almost impossible to answer but please try please?

How do you know your in love?

Any answer would be helpfull

Answer #1

I’ll make it short… Your in love when you care about that special person more than you care about ya self.

Answer #2

hope you found your answer xxx <3

Answer #3

I did <3

Answer #4

ILY Too hun :) <3

Answer #5

Hummm who knws ? :p x x ly baby x

Answer #6

Omg . . . Really??? . . . and who is this person of whic you speak of?

Answer #7

I mean I know people say it all the time but, how do they know for sure?. . . they can always think they are but, how do you know youre in love?

Answer #8

when you smile when you hear his voice or see him or just hear his name…when your heart beats faster and slower at the same time when hes there…when you get nervous and get butterflys in your stomach…when your having the worst day of your life and just him hugging you and telling you it will be ok makes your entire day..when all you think about is him..when you want to be with him every second of every day for the rest of your life…when you know you can’t live with out him…when he just leaves and you miss him..that’s how you know your in love..

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