How do you "just be friends" with an ex?

I boke up with my ex about three months ago, and we decided we would be friends. But he is still in love with me and wants us to be in a relationship again. I kinda still have feelings for him but I’m pretty sure they are the natural “first love feelings” that never really disappear. I don’t want to lose him as a friend but I have only so much patience. How do I convince him to just be friends or do I need to end our friendship?

Answer #1

To me, the hardest part of moving on is being around the person you’re trying to get over. I think it’s hard for him as well… when he looks at you he can’t help but remember what it was like being with you. I think time apart will help him realize he’ll be fine without you (as a girlfriend, I mean). Give it time, though.. he can’t help but have feelings for you.. at least it shows he truly did care about you. If you guys do continue to talk, make sure you don’t give him ANY mixed signals. I just went through this (I was in your ex-boyfriend’s position) and trust me, it’s not very easy… but it’s not impossible, either. Just be patient. :)

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