How do you have intercourse?

I’m 20 years old and im still a virgin..which is pathedic, I know! but im scared to have sex bc I dont know how to do it! im not exactly sure which hole the penius goes in. I mean I know not the butt hole..but I’ve tried finguring before and I couldnt do that either??

Answer #1

It just means your hymen isn’t broken yet. Some women have different hymens than others, and yours might be a closed one. I would say it’s probably Cribriform hymen, since you say you don’t know which hole. They all lead to the same place, and it’s nothing to be embarassed about. These are pictures of what different hymens look like.

The first picture in the top left is what most hymens look like. When it gets broken, or in simpler terms, when your “cherry gets popped,” it’ll look like the top left but about twice as big. The one on the bottom right, Parous Introitus, is what the hymen looks like after giving birth.

The other two are just when extra skin hasn’t been broken yet. You can probably go to a gynecologist to ask them to break it for you, because during sexual intercourse there’s probably a greater chance of pain when it’s unmedicated.

I hope I helped :)

Answer #2

hey its not pathetic

If you feel ready to start trying sexual things, you need a boyfriend who you know well and learn to trust and you can explore each others bodies together. Maybe you could learn to explore your own body first, try using a mirror to see what your girly parts look like. Have you started your periods? The penis goes in the same hole as the blood comes out :P

Theres no rush, dont be embarrassed!!!

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