How do you define love?

How do you see love I mean from your eyes. I want to know, cause im lost and I need to know if im right

Answer #1

Hi again :) I read this quote that said Love is like a wild flower, Beautiful and exotic but is willing to draw blood in its defence. To me this meant that love isn’t always soft and sweet sometimes it has to be tough. You’d get the same thing out of the bible verse I told you, but I just liked the way this quote said it.

Answer #2

I know its very long but love isn’t a simple thing. I think love is when you are completely comfortable around someone and their completely comfortable around you, that you can do or say anything around them and not be embarrassed. That you and your partner aren’t just boyfriend / girlfriend but the two of you are also best friends =]. That you can share and talk to each other about anything, and I mean anything, and everything and not worry about what the other might say because they truly love you and want to help you as much as they can. When your younger all you really need to care about it your needs and what you need to accomplish, but true love means what you want or need isn’t important to you. Whats important to you is only the needs and desires of your partner, and that also goes the same for them and that they care the same way about you to give everything for you. That you would give everything you have and more for them to accomplish what they want. That undying emotional link between you two that when you hurt, they hurt just as much if not more, or when your happy their just as happy with you. That you and your partner are happy just being with each other, not needing to go out places and do things or even have fancy things. When just laying in bed talking with them makes you the happiest you could ever be. When your having the worst day of your life and you can look into their eyes or talk to them and all of your problems just disappear. That when your with them, all you see is them, and no one else. That you trust them with your life and you can count on them for anything, or ask them anything and you can count on them to do it without question. That they listen to you and are sensitive to anything that might be bothering you, and only want to help you as much as they can. That they accept you for who you really are and it doesn’t really matter to them how you look on the outside. And that any bad thing that comes your relationships way your able to overcome it and come out stronger. That’s my (short) definition of true love. If you have any questions about it please Fun Mail me. I hope it helps =)

Answer #3

love to me is when someone understanding who for who you are who would rather spend time with you than anyone else if your in love youll know it

Answer #4

Oops, I almost forgot. This is not to say that there will not be some fights or disagreements, but that is a healthy relationship. But what is important is that you two can communicate to each other and work things out. No love will be absolutely perfect. And MOST importantly True Love is unconditional.

Answer #5

The bible is my guide. Check out 1 Corinthians 13.

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