Who believes there is a age limit to love?

So I was listening to a song where the lyrics kept going, there’s no such thing as too young. And so this question came to mind. I believe there is an age limit because at a younger age, teens such as myself face hormones, are guillable, and mistake it for love.

What’s your perspective on this?

Answer #1

There is no age limit to love, teens just confuse love with infatuation 99% of the time.

Contrary to how teens portrary love, it’s not something that happens when you two make eye contact. It need’s time, compassion, trust, and commitment for it to be called love. That’s what really bothers me most of the time, attraction based on looks, while yes they play an important part due to genes, you can’t base someone just on their looks. This is really why most relationships never really work out, they have strong feelings at the beginning but once they see how their partner acts on a daily basis, the flame suddenly dies.

Such simple flaws could be avoided if people just stopped going by the notion that love is something that you just know at birth. It’s never been and never will be like that.

Answer #2

I agree 100% with hysterical. So many people, at such a young age (and even older adults!) think they’re in love when it’s just raging hormones mixed with infatuation. True love tends to be slower and more comfortable and even more boring than most people imagine… but can be far more satisfying.

Then again, I know several people who met and started dating when they were 15 and are still together 30, 40, even 50 years later.

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