How do you become a Morgue Assistant?

I;m very interestied in mortuary science and am interested in becoming a morgue assistant but I can’t find anything on google or anywhere else that says where to become one how much money they make and where schools are etc etc. With so many people dying everyday you would thing something like a morgue assistant would be all over the place online but no.

if anyone has any advice or webistes please tell me. thank you

Answer #1

the job is actually called anatomical pathology technician as you have not got any certificates in this field you would be starting out as a trainee get in touch with your local hospital or if that fails your local large hospital all training is done in-house you must have at laest 5 G.C.S.E.’s graded at or above and at least one of them has to be in a science the jobs are few and far between but they do come up make sure you speak to the mortuary manager and go from there I hope I have helped you out a little good luck

Answer #2

I am only familiar with one mortuary institute. Here is their website Like fun said, it probably varies quite a bit from state to state and prices probably vary from one place to another, but you can take a look at the site anyway and see if you can get any useful information from it.

Answer #3

yeh joanna I was just gunna say that lol if you lve in the uk then you get trained on the job and DONT need any qualifications … …heres a job offer … and and dis is the career.

Answer #4

You need to find out what your state has for requirements. They are all different. If you check out the site for National Funeral Director’s Association ( then you can get more details. Some states only require a high school education to get the job.. although I also fear that these same states have looser laws about marrying your first cousin. Most states however, do require a four year degree.. unless you are just there as a grunt, in which you could probably get the job just by applying with interest. There aren’t that many people though that want the job if it doesn’t pay well, and they are there just to clean-up. The smell alone is enough to demand a raise.

Answer #5

I live in South Africa and I see all of you are overseas. There is courses in Funeral Science etc… here but want to at least be a trainee for the moment. Any advice?

Answer #6

there is a collage in portland oregon and one southern oregon maybe grants pass but check out portland for sure thats what I have been wanting to do also

Answer #7

there is such a thing as MORGUE ATTENDANT! Also there is a Mortuary Science school in NYC. The school is called American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services. I know because I attended and graduated from that school and I am now a funeral director. That school is top in the country and is not easy. But if you do well there, you will pass the NY/NJ Mortuary Law exam as well as both National Boards…THis school ONLY trains you to become a funeral director as do most Mortuary schools.

Do not let the UNCLESAMS talk you out of becoming a morgue attendant or a funeral director. YOu look very young so I am sure you know that you can not attend school or a job looking like that. They are both rewarding jobs.


I went to school in MANHATTAN, NEW YORK and all that was required was a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA!!! As a matter of fact, AAMI is one of the TOP SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTRY FOR FUNERAL SERVICES! So your statement is WAY OUT OF LINE!

“You need to find out what your state has for requirements. They are all different. If you check out the site for National Funeral Director’s Association ( then you can get more details. Some states only require a high school education to get the job.. although I also fear that these same states have looser laws about marrying your first cousin. Most states however, do require a four year degree.. unless you are just there as a grunt, in which you could probably get the job just by applying with interest. There aren’t that many people though that want the job if it doesn’t pay well, and they are there just to clean-up. The smell alone is enough to demand a raise.”

Answer #8

I am a Morgue Assistant / Autopsy Tech. In N.J. In the USA. I can tell you I have. BS degree in Forensics. I work for the Chief Medical Examiner Office. I make $38,000.00 a year, and have been employed in this position for 17 years. So, as you can see the pay isn’t gr8. But. I do love this job. My pathologist let’s me do all the eviceration, finger prints, toxicology draws, writeups (cases), photographs, checking in / out of bodies and all Chain-of-Custody to the police, etc. This is not a Funeral home job. Just know some anatomy, and the rest you learn OJT. Look for autopsy tech, morgue attendant, morgue assistant as key phrases in any net search.

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