How do you attract a girl???

Ok theres this girl I really like at my rop class and I want to attract her but I dont know how. Can you guys please help me, I really feel like we could be together great together.

-the Cat

Answer #1

K,this is wat u do: be a gentleman, dont be a jerk,look good,be funny, impress her,and be urself. 4 example, theres this guy i like and he likes me too. 1 day we were at skool to watch a volleyball game, then my friend and i went outside and saw him ride his bike tward us. then we sat next to a curb and a hop scotch. He challenged my friend to a contest. When it was his turn, he hoped, then at the end he fliped and did a hand stand right in front of me. I was very impressed. He knew that and started blushing. i hope my expireince helps u. Remember impress her but dont be a show off!! Luv ya

Answer #2

You need to flatter her, pay her a compliment but stay cool don’t overwhelm her with affection. A compliment can be as simple as an inviting smile or a kind (sweet ) word.

               Remember,  Men Love with their eyes
                               and Women Love with their ears

              It's NOT just what you say but HOW you say it!!
Answer #3

well be your self talk to her I’m a girl and I love fun outgoing guys who arent cshy she maybe the same

Answer #4

flirt with her, and suggest you hang out sometime. be sweet and sincere.

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