How do you stop your hair from flaking up?

My dandruff can be really bad sometimes so I want to know what other people do to help their scalp from flaking.

Answer #1

Hey Girl, I had the same problem too girl, my scalp would get irritated and it would be sooo itchy, and their would be dandruff everywhere. But my friend recommended me to use Head ad shoulders Dry scalp care. It improves Hair and scalp. releives dry scalp and itch. I recommended. It improves your scalp BIG TIME!

Good Luck! -Makeup Guru

Answer #2

You may think this is weird, but my mom is a hairdresser and when people have dandruff bad, she washes their hair with vinegar. Or, well just buy dandruff shampoo. (:

Answer #3

wash it every day or erery other day duh is it flakes on your pic lmao!

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