How do you know when your in love?

I just want to know when someone can be in love. What are the feelings? So I know if im in love. I think I am though. I have been going out with this guy for about 6 months.

Answer #1

Well to me it’s that feeling of comfort , that feeling that you don’t ana let th go and that you nobir safe. It’s like that’s the person that’s filld your heart and you don’t wit amy 1 else but that person

Answer #2

its not really a feeling you can explain, its just something you know. When you love someone they are everything to you. You want them happy no matter what. thats the best I can explain it.

Answer #3

I don’t really know how to discribe it, but I’m in love and I just keep thinking of the guy, and about all his cute things :) but I was devastated when he told me he had a crush on someone. The feelings are different for every person, I mostly hate them because the guy I love doesn’t feel the same way (99% sure). It depends on the situation.

As for the time, it doesn’t really have a specific time that should be passed by before you love someone. It could be longer, or shorter.

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