How do you know when your period is?

Yeah umm…I wanna know when to expect my period. Like is there a certain day & will it stay on that exact date of the month?? & its almost a year since my first & I know that your body has to settle before having the period every month at about the same day or something sooo can someone Tell me & correct me if im wrong???

Answer #1

Well sometimes some girls have their first pierod and then don’t have one again for a long time. It all depends on the person. When you have one two months back to back then you can pretty much count on it being every 28 days. When it stops count 28 days then thats when you should have it again. That’s with a normal period. I didn’t have a normal one and got mine every 20 days it all depends on the person! If your periods are all crazy your best bet is birth control especaily if your sexually active! :) Hope this helps!! :)

Answer #2

Girls will normally have their first period around a year or so after the breast buds develop. If you noticed, under your nipple is a hard tender bump–that is the breast bud and from that your breasts develop over the years. Some girls will never be normal unless given medication by their gynecologist–normally taking the pill will regulate you on a 28 day cycle. Other girls are as regular as clockwork once they start. It really just depends on your body, and some family history as well. If your mother or gmother had problems with irregular periods, there is a chance you will as well—BUT not always.

It can take 3-5 years to become completely regular. No, more then likely you probably won’t be on a set 28 day period–it is possible but the majority usually run between 27-29 days. you need to have a regular period for about 6 nths straight (not 2) before the chance of becoming consistently regular is an option.
you still have lots of time to become regulated. Its not a problem right now. Only if you bleed extremely heavily and passing extremely lg clots, and having horrendous cramping each mth, would I suggest speaking to your gynecologist. They may want to start you on the pill now, to help regulate your flow, and it helps tremendously with the cramping.

Remember, since you have started your period you can now become pregnant. And the pill helps to prevent pregnancy, but that is no excuse to have unprotected sex. The pill does NOT keep you from getting HIV/AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases. So remember, if you are sexually active—ALWAYS use a condom!!

Hope this helped!! [¤:

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