How do you know who you are?

How do you know who you are see I have to homes one wit my mom were I live and in another state wit dad I live there for summer and my family is very country not hillbillys persay but more counry folks and im a diff person in new yourk wit my friends like listen to rap and stuff like that why is it when I go to live wit my dad I change back to country and tturn into that person is it a stage findin who I am or …? But how do yuh reallly find out who you are?

Answer #1

Just because you like the noise and fast life of New York doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the peace and quiet of the country. You can also like rap music and country music. You are the person that keeps an open mind and can enjoy yourself no matter where you are. You already know who you are and it’s someone that is not confined to living in one area or only liking one type of music or having only one type of friends. You’re someone with a well rounded lifestyle who can adjust. Stay that way, when you get older it will make your life easier.

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