How do you get a fast metabolism??

I am 14, I weigh 140lbs and my height is 5’7. I have a huge stomach, big hips, thighs and butt I really want to lose weight I have heard that if you have a fast metabolism you can lose weight. can anyone just tell me how to lose weight within 3 weeks and how to get a faster metabolism??? I really dont want to take any tablets to lose weight. any suggestions on dieting and exercising?? please help me!! xxx

Answer #1

eat a healthy breakfast and snack a lot

Answer #2

heres another way. you eat like 5-7 small meals in a 3 hours period difference. but they are not high in calories, my mom usually eats rice, and chicken that she microwaves to make hot.

Answer #3

Eat 5-6 small meals a day drink a lot of water 8-10 8oz glasses if you eat a lot drink 1 glass 30 minutes- 1 hr before you eat do not eat and drink at the same time cut out or at least cut back on sugar, starches and fried, junk and fast food moderate excerise 20- 30 minutes in the mornings 3-4 days a week

Answer #4

helps me be creative when I go workout :)

Answer #5

if your only 14 you shouldnt b DIETING!! just eat healthy and get excersise.. because da faster you loose weight the faster it cumz back.. trust me I no dis because.. m 15 and wiegh 170.. but I look that fat.. I’ve tried like a million diets.. its always going to cum back.. you shood change your life style.. like m starting to do now.. and its wrking… you need to lose b healthy 4 ever not for 3 weeks!!

Answer #6

eat ever time you feel a bit hungry and when you do eat eat in very very small porshones chew 4 ages at first you will hate it but then you get the habbit and take cold baths to make your metabolism to work faster…danielle xx

Answer #7

the key is getting a balance of all the nurtients you need. cutting foods out completely is bad because the day you have a craving and eat it again, you will absorb the calories much more. have a balance of protein, carbs, fruit and veg (aka. FIBER) etc. fiber is the main trigger. lots of wholemeal foods, lots of fruit and veg (pears, apples, dried prunes, prune juice etc)… its important to keep your metabolism going throughout the day, so as everybody recommended, eating more meals but smaller meals, spread throughout your day, is best. make sure you have breakfast. it’s what starts up your metabolism. a high fiber low fat breakfast like oatmeal is great. (I like to cook it with some coconut shavings and add a teaspoon of The Food Doctor seedmix and a teaspoon of pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds before eating it. the oatmeal releases energy slowly so it keeps you full, the seeds have healthy fats and lots of good things to give your body the energy it needs… tho watch out, too much of this is very calorific)… another breakfast option is wholemeal bread with some peanutbutter (if your used to peanut butter and jelly, try replace the jelly with a teaspoon of honey instead). as much as people say peanut butter is BAD (yes its calorific) it actually keeps you full for so long and has good protein and healthy fats. so so long as you have just a little, it can work in your favour as you wont be snacking all morning. when I feel hungry and need to snack, I have a rice cracker or some fruit. my personal motto is you can never have too much fruit and veg (bananas and beans and corn don’t count as they have higher carb counts)… but I tend to eat about 10 portions of fruit and veg a day. (just natural and fresh. no canned fruit in syrup or vegetables soaked in cream)… I have heard that each portion of your food should be the size of your fist. so, on your plate, you should have your fist size worth of meat (protein: chicken, pork, turkey, beef, fish), your fist size in carbs (potatoe, bread, pasta, rice) and then veg (I make this unlimited as you might have guessed)… I try to eat carbs in only 1 of my 2 main meals (so either in lunch or in dinner)… so if I have pasta for lunch, I will have a salad for dinner. In order to fill me up I make a salad that has lentils or kidney beans or adzuki beans, so that im not starving myself and torturing myself. other options are soup (in this case I allow myself a slice of bread with some butter. or if the soup has lentils or potatoes then no toast, sorry!)… fish and a plate of veg also works… and I try to have the no carb meal as dinner rather than lunch more often than not, as its easier to brun the calories during the day.
another trick I’ve learnt is DONT get into routines and habits. so although yes I have this basic outline to what I eat, I jumble it up every so often. if you r body gets into a routine it gets used to the ‘schedule’ and knows when to absorb the most calories and when to ‘chill’… so I try to eat at different times each day. I also try to vary what I eat, so one day I may have a very low fat day, and the next day a high carb day, the day after a high sugar day. when I say “high” I obviously dont mean going overboard on these nutrients, just having a stronger focus on them than other times… and obviously tthere’ll be the “normal balanced diet days”… keep your metabolism guessing what your gona eat. if it doesnt know whats coming, it wont be prepared for ‘how to absorb the calories’ and so itll work double as hard. also, a big thing is EXERCISE! I work out 3-4 times a week. 30min cardio and some toning for my muscles. dont work out everyday. this is bad for you, and much like eating the same thing everyday is bad, if you work out everyday your body just ‘gets used to it’ or if you overwork your muscles cells can die and this defeats the purpose of working out. much like you trick your body with different foods, tick it with different workouts. important myth is a lot of people cut out carbs and work out thinking theyll lose even more wiehgt. this is wrong. carbs are what give you energy. if you work out without carbs in your body then your body will search for energy in other forms. your muscles are what require the energy, and so while working out, if you dont have ‘carbs’ (or energy) you will be burning muscle not fat. and muscle is what allows you to eat what you eat everyday, because its what burns your calories. so if you start killing your muscles u’ll end up being able to eat less and still having flabby fat. this is why it is also important to mix cardio with muscle toning. by toning your muscles you’re building parts of your body thatll eat up your calories (speeding your metabolism)… finally, yes, drink lots of water, get a decent amount of sleep. and dont forget to allow yourself a chocolate bar or a bag of chips once in a while (I allow myself a treat a day. e.g. 1 treat = 1 chocolate bar (not one large bag of doritos or a full bag of candy)) last tip. I know for me my body needs something sweet to tell me a meal is over,. I find a piece of dried fruit or a small lowfat yoghurt can be perfect for that little craving. and obviously, my other dessert of the day tends to be that little treat I allow myself…) I cant promise thisll work. I’ve been very lucky and have always had a fast metabolism, this is just how I’ve kept it fast (I’m 20 now and when I was 16 I never had to think about these things)… perhaps if you are slightly heavier and with a slower metabolism, you may need to take things step by step OR maybe nutritionists would recommend going ‘cold turkey’ and going a little extreme for a bit. I have no idea. you should probably speak to somebody knowledgeable first. but remember to take it slowly. 3 months is rather quick to have a drastic change. my father has lost 10 kilos, but this was done over a 2 year period. this is why the results have lasted. its hard to focus on such long far away deadlines but believe me the end result and the satisfaction of ladting results is worth it. much better than frustratedly putting the weight back on! good luck :)

Answer #8

the key is getting a balance of all the nurtients you need. cutting foods out completely is bad because the day you have a craving and eat it again, you will absorb the calories much more. have a balance of protein, carbs, fruit and veg (aka. FIBER) etc. fiber is the main trigger. lots of wholemeal foods, lots of fruit and veg (pears, apples, dried prunes, prune juice etc)… its important to keep your metabolism going throughout the day, so as everybody recommended, eating more meals but smaller meals, spread throughout your day, is best. make sure you have breakfast. it’s what starts up your metabolism. a high fiber low fat breakfast like oatmeal is great. (I like to cook it with some coconut shavings and add a teaspoon of The Food Doctor seedmix and a teaspoon of pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds before eating it. the oatmeal releases energy slowly so it keeps you full, the seeds have healthy fats and lots of good things to give your body the energy it needs… tho watch out, too much of this is very calorific)… another breakfast option is wholemeal bread with some peanutbutter (if your used to peanut butter and jelly, try replace the jelly with a teaspoon of honey instead). as much as people say peanut butter is BAD (yes its calorific) it actually keeps you full for so long and has good protein and healthy fats. so so long as you have just a little, it can work in your favour as you wont be snacking all morning. when I feel hungry and need to snack, I have a rice cracker or some fruit. my personal motto is you can never have too much fruit and veg (bananas and beans and corn don’t count as they have higher carb counts)… but I tend to eat about 10 portions of fruit and veg a day. (just natural and fresh. no canned fruit in syrup or vegetables soaked in cream)… I have heard that each portion of your food should be the size of your fist. so, on your plate, you should have your fist size worth of meat (protein: chicken, pork, turkey, beef, fish), your fist size in carbs (potatoe, bread, pasta, rice) and then veg (I make this unlimited as you might have guessed)… I try to eat carbs in only 1 of my 2 main meals (so either in lunch or in dinner)… so if I have pasta for lunch, I will have a salad for dinner. In order to fill me up I make a salad that has lentils or kidney beans or adzuki beans, so that im not starving myself and torturing myself. other options are soup (in this case I allow myself a slice of bread with some butter. or if the soup has lentils or potatoes then no toast, sorry!)… fish and a plate of veg also works… and I try to have the no carb meal as dinner rather than lunch more often than not, as its easier to brun the calories during the day.
another trick I’ve learnt is DONT get into routines and habits. so although yes I have this basic outline to what I eat, I jumble it up every so often. if you r body gets into a routine it gets used to the ‘schedule’ and knows when to absorb the most calories and when to ‘chill’… so I try to eat at different times each day. I also try to vary what I eat, so one day I may have a very low fat day, and the next day a high carb day, the day after a high sugar day. when I say “high” I obviously dont mean going overboard on these nutrients, just having a stronger focus on them than other times… and obviously tthere’ll be the “normal balanced diet days”… keep your metabolism guessing what your gona eat. if it doesnt know whats coming, it wont be prepared for ‘how to absorb the calories’ and so itll work double as hard. also, a big thing is EXERCISE! I work out 3-4 times a week. 30min cardio and some toning for my muscles. dont work out everyday. this is bad for you, and much like eating the same thing everyday is bad, if you work out everyday your body just ‘gets used to it’ or if you overwork your muscles cells can die and this defeats the purpose of working out. much like you trick your body with different foods, tick it with different workouts. important myth is a lot of people cut out carbs and work out thinking theyll lose even more wiehgt. this is wrong. carbs are what give you energy. if you work out without carbs in your body then your body will search for energy in other forms. your muscles are what require the energy, and so while working out, if you dont have ‘carbs’ (or energy) you will be burning muscle not fat. and muscle is what allows you to eat what you eat everyday, because its what burns your calories. so if you start killing your muscles u’ll end up being able to eat less and still having flabby fat. this is why it is also important to mix cardio with muscle toning. by toning your muscles you’re building parts of your body thatll eat up your calories (speeding your metabolism)… finally, yes, drink lots of water, get a decent amount of sleep. and dont forget to allow yourself a chocolate bar or a bag of chips once in a while (I allow myself a treat a day. e.g. 1 treat = 1 chocolate bar (not one large bag of doritos or a full bag of candy)) last tip. I know for me my body needs something sweet to tell me a meal is over,. I find a piece of dried fruit or a small lowfat yoghurt can be perfect for that little craving. and obviously, my other dessert of the day tends to be that little treat I allow myself…) I cant promise thisll work. I’ve been very lucky and have always had a fast metabolism, this is just how I’ve kept it fast (I’m 20 now and when I was 16 I never had to think about these things)… perhaps if you are slightly heavier and with a slower metabolism, you may need to take things step by step OR maybe nutritionists would recommend going ‘cold turkey’ and going a little extreme for a bit. I have no idea. you should probably speak to somebody knowledgeable first. but remember to take it slowly. 3 months is rather quick to have a drastic change. my father has lost 10 kilos, but this was done over a 2 year period. this is why the results have lasted. its hard to focus on such long far away deadlines but believe me the end result and the satisfaction of ladting results is worth it. much better than frustratedly putting the weight back on! good luck :)

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