How do religions exist?

So first of all I wud like to say that I was raised as s christian and I have not been influenced by anyone to form my beliefs. I think the gods believe in on our earth are made up.

  1. If I were born in india I wud have been hindu. If I was born in isreal I wud have been jewish. How do we know whitch religion is right?

  2. When ever humans dont understand something they make a god for it like the ancient greeks romans and others. Ex sun god rain god. Now that we know what these things are we dont have a god anymore. Our current gods are for the afterlife because we dont know about that yet. Maybe one day we will.

  3. If a god made this amazing, incredible, intricate universe he must be something so incredible we cant think of. Maybe no one on this earth is right.

  4. You may say “if there is no god who made the universe?” well, I dont know but I have a question of my own. If god had to make the universe isnt there someone who had to make him and that god and the next. Its a neverending cycle.

  5. How do we know the bible is even real. What if was just some random guy who made a fictional story based on reality and called it the bible because he thoght it was a cool name.

  6. the only evidence for god is faith. Evolution has so much more to back it up on

  7. How is there a god if little inocent babies die that have done no wrong?

I do not intend to offend anyone. I do think there is a god somewhere but not that we could of thought of

Answer #1

“1. If I were born in india I wud have been hindu. If I was born in isreal I wud have been jewish. How do we know whitch religion is right?”

  1. Around 3 years ago, similar questions were popping around my head. For instance, why do people usually follow their parents’ beliefs? It used to confuse me that religion seemed like a matter of luck.

I thought about it, and here’s what I finally concluded:

  1. If you are born in India and you decide to continue your life as a Hindu, you do that ‘cause you, being in India, are more exposed to the “rightness” of the Hindu belief. In other words, the reasons which invite you to become/stay Hindu are more persistent in India than in anywhere else in the world. Surrounded with the atmosphere of Hinduism, you are being involuntarily “pushed” to be a Hindu ‘cause this is the environment where the good and the right side of Hinduism is best displayed.

  2. If you are born in India and you decide to reject all beliefs (except Hinduism), you do that ‘cause you are so absorbed inside Hinduism that you might look at other beliefs but not actually see them. You may read the Torah, but only in a critical way, not in an exploratory one. When you decide to know about other beliefs, you do that in order to prove to yourself that they are not right. In India, you are an expert when it comes to the appropriateness of Hinduism or the inappropriateness of the rest of beliefs. However, you are culturally conditioned to know much less when it comes to the bad side of Hinduism or the good side of any other belief.

  3. There is no such a thing as a false belief. No belief is entirely spurious. There is something right about every belief. I mean if we could change the subject from what’s right? to what’s good? we would eventually agree, ‘cause somehow all beliefs are good regardless of which particular belief is right. There is something in common between all beliefs, and this certain thing is what I call religion or the religious instinct we were all born with.

    • What you know by yourself is right. What you are told and could have guessed alone is right.

Example: I believe in God ‘cause I have known God by myself. Nobody told me that God exists, and if someone ever did, I’d get like “I could have known that on my own”

Right things are those which come from inside, namely your heart, your instinct and your brain. Right things always “echo” inside of you. They “fit” into your chest as the letter V fits with an isosceles triangle. Facts always feel home in your brain.

Example: When someone tells you that 1+1=2, you know it’s right. You might not be able to decide why 1 plus 1 equals 2, but you like it, it fits into your chest.

  • What you are told and couldn’t have guessed by yourself is wrong.

Example: If someone didn’t tell you that Jesus is the son of God, you would never believe that Jesus is the son of God. You can’t know it by yourself. When you were first spoken with about the incarnation, you didn’t say “Oh, I could have guessed it myself”

Therefore, Jesus is not the son of God. It’s not a fact ‘cause your brain never took part in concluding it. Your brain only received it, and I tell you if you want your brain dead, make a mere receiver out of it.

What you know is right, is right.. but everything else is not totally wrong.

“2. When ever humans dont understand something they make a god for it like the ancient greeks romans and others. Ex sun god rain god. Now that we know what these things are we dont have a god anymore. Our current gods are for the afterlife because we dont know about that yet. Maybe one day we will.”

What is nonunderstandable about afterlife?

You die. God judges you for what you have done in your life. If you have been a good person and done good things, you go to heaven. If you have been a bad person and done bad things, you go to hell. What’s complicated about that?

Maybe many people believe in God for the afterlife, but why don’t you pause a minute and try believing in Him for life? It makes life much better, more organized and more enjoyable.

“3. If a god made this amazing, incredible, intricate universe he must be something so incredible we cant think of. Maybe no one on this earth is right.”

You have just identified humanity’s most fatal mistake of all times.

We can know God. We can feel God. We can think about/of God. But, we cannot IMAGINE God. He is too great for us to imagine. He is too big to be covered by our brains. He is unlimited, and we are unable to conceive unlimitedness, ‘cause we have no example of it in this universe. Everything here is relative, God is the only absolute being. You can’t expect relative creatures who use relative minds in a universe where everything is relative to imagine God who’s absolutely absolute.

Our brains are designed so that they can understand everything in their level/dimension, and by their level I mean the universe. Nothing in this level/dimension (ie universe) is more powerful than our brains. But when it comes to God, the one who has created all the levels, all the dimensions and all the universes (if there exists any other than ours), then our minds come to a stop. They can reach God, prove His existence and think about Him, but they just cannot imagine Him.

Now here is our mistake.. we have always been trying to force our brains to do the only thing they can’t do, namely imagining God. We have always tried to picture Him, to “limitize” Him, to make Him relative so we can understand and define Him. God incarnate is a very common thing in the history of mankind. For example, when earlier Christians wanted to imagine God, they decided to put Him in something visible, familiar and relative - a humanbeing. They transformed Jesus from a prophet of God to a form of God, to a son of God, to God Himself. The same mistake is being made over and over again in almost all beliefs across history.

Can’t we just get it? God is not something to imagine. God is something to understand, to reason, to think about and to feel.

“4. You may say “if there is no god who made the universe?” well, I dont know but I have a question of my own. If god had to make the universe isnt there someone who had to make him and that god and the next. Its a neverending cycle.”

Here’s what God did for you..

He created you. He created a brain and put it in your head. He created a couple of laws with which you are able to reason and think. One of these laws is the law of causality. According to wikipedia, causality denotes a necessary relationship between one event (called cause) and another event (called effect) which is the direct consequence of the first.

Now, here’s what you are doing..

You - that God has created - are using the brain - that God has created - to try to apply the causality law - that God has created- on God Himself.

God has created all the laws.. to be applied on his creatures not on Him. God is too powerful for a law to be applied on Him. There exists no law that He hasn’t created. Words like “the beginning”, “the end” and “time” are can only describe a relative universe and relative creatures. God is not relative, and He is not a creature. God has created time and duration. He is bigger than them.

“5. How do we know the bible is even real. What if was just some random guy who made a fictional story based on reality and called it the bible because he thoght it was a cool name.”

The Bible is real. It’s one of the books revealed by God to human beings. You feel it is full of fiction ‘cause of 2 reasons:

  1. The Bible was revealed for people in a CERTAIN period of time. It was meant to help people go through life in a certain stage of human evolution when human beings were too interested in the materialistic aspect of life. They needed something to slow them down and drive their attention to the spiritual side of life. This is the reason why The Bible is full of love and forgiveness.

Those people’s collective mind was certainly less evoluted than ours (I am not saying that their minds were any less developed than ours. I am only talking about the collective mind). Therefore, what sounded serious to them might very well sound fictional to us.

  1. The Bible we have now is not the Bible that God revealed to Jesus. People changed things. Anyone can notice it, right? But I am sure some of it remained unchanged.

“6. the only evidence for god is faith. Evolution has so much more to back it up on”

Everything, my friend, every single thing, is evidence for God. He is everywhere. Everywhere is his creation.

Even the sentence “God does not exist” has “God” in it.

You can think of God, right? Even atheists can do it. Now if you tell me that you can think of something that doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist, I will be an atheist right now.

C’mon.. this is an open challenge for all of you, my sisters and brothers. Just name me one single thing that doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist.

No, no, no.. you are not allowed to use things that already exist. You can’t just take a piece from everything and put all the pieces together to come out with something that didn’t exist in that form before. I didn’t challenge you to invent anything. Creativity is not my subject here. I am not talking about a creature made of Marie Curie’s head, a giraffe’s neck, a lion’s body and my feet. I am talking about something which is not composed of things that already exist, something that has NO imitation in our universe.

Name me this something, and I am an atheist.

You can think of God, remember? But you can’t think of anything that doesn’t exist.

God is not composed of anything. God is not an imitation of anything that we know. So, here is the question: Where did we get God from? Who put Him inside of our minds? Who made Him a subject of our arguments?

If God didn’t exist, nobody would ever mention God, let alone feel and think of Him.. the idea of God would never ever hit anyone’s mind.

In order to believe or believe not in something, that thing has to exist in the 1st place. I myself don’t believe in Communism, but Communism does exist.

Just open your eyes, my friend, and you shall see God in every step you take. He is closer to you than your own heart.

“7. How is there a god if little inocent babies die that have done no wrong?”

Everyone dies, right? Does that mean that all of us are bad? Do you die ‘cause you are bad?

The best and most innocent person in the world will die, too.

Death is not the end. It’s just a gate you cross from one mortal stage of life into another that’s immortal. In the mortal stage of life, you decide where you will spend your immortal stage. You decide what to become.. a good person who is filled with love and power, or a bad one who is filled with hatred and weakness.

Let’s agree that life is hard. Being a good person is not easy. If those lil’ innocent babies hadn’t been taken away from life, are you sure they would have become good people? Are you sure they would have passed the test of life?

But now as they are dead before their test was supposed to start, they shall go to heaven. Instead of pitying them, we should feel happy for them. They are in the best place anyone can be in, a place much, much more beautiful than our world in which they would have lived. C’mon.. God didn’t even test them. Unlike you and I, they were given the best gift ever for free.

I do not intend to offend anyone. I do think there is a god somewhere but not that we could of thought of

You never offended me, bro. Your questions are worth all my appreciation and respect.

Keep your head high up

Greetings from Egypt!

Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #2

You are right, if complexity needs a creator then god must need a creator, if it’s claimed that god doesn’t need a creaor then complexity doesn’t.

If there is evidence for god there is also evidence that a magic genie created my computer, my computer is far to complex to have been designed by humans.

Point blank there is no empirical evidence for the existence of god. It is claimed that god is all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, over-looker and creator of the universe. Yet he created a planet in which animals are eaten alive, with parasites, viruses, and bacteria, and where atrocities like the holocust take place without any response from him.

He created a planet in which illnesses have killed millions of children, infants, and adults. Centuries ago, plagues would have been god punishing the unfaithful, now we know that microbs cause illnesses. The world would seem better explained without a god.

Christians claim god has answered their prayers, performed miracles, is working in their life, has blessed them, saved them, watching over them, and thank him for everything. Yet there are poor children starving in third world countries, try telling them that god created them with a plan for their life.

You would think a Christian would lose their faith, yet a christian whose been in a car wreck thanks god for her survival while he lets thousands others die.

The god as portrayed by Christians can not be justified or reconciled with reality. That does not stop them however from trying to make a perfect deity compatable with it.

Answer #3

‘There are people born India who are Christians. There are also people born as a Hindu and grew up as a Hindu but suddenly changed to Christianity. Therefore where you are born does not decide your religion.” Where you are bonr in, I’d say, 90% of the cases determens which religion you will follow, you have to be completely ignorant to deny that. Oh, you also forgot to mention that some christians leave christianity and/or start following some other religion, too.

‘You can know which religion is right by a proper study of History. “ Rather amusing to hear that from a christian.

“I do agree that some people did make gods in the past but it is also true that people of those days were not dumb as we think they are.” Oh, good. Wait, why some? Being dumb has nothing to do with making up a god. It’s about lack of knowledge of not knowing how universe works.

“The God who made this universe is incredible as you said and is also sensible enough to not let man grope in darkness for who the real God is. God has revealed Himself but man does not accept that revelation and so is still in ignorant. “ Uh, I’m sorry, but, you can not know if it was a god or not. Also, you agreeing with the fact that if there is a god he has to be something unimaginably incredible, and then saying that he is “sensible enough no not let man grope in darkness for who the real god is” , that he has “revealed himself” and so on is utterly amusing. Seriously, do you think a PERFECT, OMNIPOTENT and ALL-KNOWING being, would bother creating a few close-minded humans, putting a tree near them and forbidding them to eat from it? Do you REALY think that such a being would even bother “saving” us from some kind of “sin”? Bother sending his “son”(why the hell does god even have a son? Do you think he’s a reproducing living organism or something?) to die for us? Honestly?

“You are showing total ignorance. Any who reads through the Bible will easily be able to understand that it is not a work of fiction.” AAaaahahahahahhahaaahahahah cries of laughing

“Thats what even a casual reader will be able to make out.” ..bwahahahahahaaahah… cough… hahahah… oh, oh, didn’t we need a holy spirit to understand it? So, now anyone can understand it, and that it’s “true”? Bwahahah

“Everyone who has studied the Bible is convinced that this book had been written under a supernatural influence.” Oh… my… god… I can’t… breathe… ah… ahah…

“The claim that evolution has evidence is a lie that all of us have been taught all trough our childhood. The contrary to your statement is true. There are evidence for God’s existence. There have always been.” Oh, look who’s just talking about being ignorant. Ah… evolution has WAY more evidence(actually, the cool thing about it is that it actually HAS evidence) that the idea that there is a god(christian one). Oh, oh, if you replace evolution with christianity in “The claim that evolution has evidence is a lie that all of us have been taught all trough our childhood.” it sound more like it.

“Who told you that anyone who dies, dies because of the wrong they do? There are many reasons why babies could die. Babies dieing has nothing to do with God’s existence in any way.” Oh, but wait, didn’t god create us all? Isn’t he loving and caring? Didn’t he know that babies would die? Why didn’t he prevent that from happening? Doesn’t he care? sob. Oh right, there is no such thing as god.

Answer #4

If you read scripture you’ll understand that in response to … “How is there a god if little inocent babies die that have done no wrong?”,you’ll come to understand that this world is under different management than you suppose. MAN chose to exercise “free will” and brought these things upon himself. When G-d has His Day of reckoning (good song BTW), the innocent will live again. Regardless of nation or faith based tradition, here is what is written “from the horses mouth” to those who would enjoy being innocent … “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 ~

As for “The Real G-d’ causing death and misery, reconsider. “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

                                                                                              James 3:17 ~

Religion exists because we do, and reach out for answers from the “source of our minds” A master-mind alliance is formed with the ‘source” when one catches up to the One doing all the chasing.

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 ~

Answer #5

congratulations sir. you are an agnostic.

Religion itself was indeed simply made up by humans. This is easy to see with a quick glance into… history!

The Ancient religions of Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, and China, are all very simalar.. too simalar in fact. Just some of these simalarities include…they all have one primary god. This god is always the God of the Sun, or related to the sun. This god’s story is almost identical throughout the religions… for example… the story of Horus the Egyptian Sun God. He was born on December 25th. He was born to a virgin, Isis-Mery. His birth was marked with a star in the east, that 3 kings followed to locate their newborn savior. He became a teacher at the age of 12. Horus also traveled with 12 disiples performing miracles such as healing the sick. Eventually Horus was crucified and burried for three days and then ressurected.

Sound familiar? Many other ancient gods follow a simalar story to Horus such as Attis of Greece, Krishna of India, Dionysus of Greece, Mithra of Persia, and of course, Jesus Christ.

Why? Well all of these anceint religions derived from the same place, the night sky. The brightest star in the East is Sirius. On December 24th, Sirius aligns with the 3 brightest stars Orion’s Belt, known as the 3 Kings. They all align with rising sun on December 25th, which became known as God’s Sun. The Virgin, is the constellation Virgo, which is visable on that night and was said to give birth to God’s Sun. As we know, the days are shorter and the sun is shorter in the sky during the winter. On December 22nd, the sun is at it’s lowest point in the sky, which to the ancients, represented the death of the sun. On December 25th, 3 days later, the sun begans to get higher again, representing the ressurection. That is why so many anceint religions are so simalar, and, of course, Christianity derived from this as well.

Then why is it so strong today? Well because Christians dont like being told that their wrong in everything they believe in. Christianity was supported by the monarchys of Europe and the church had more power. People really didnt have a say. This allowed Christianity to spread and stay as powerful as it is today.

Answer #6

To your first point… a different name doesn’t denote a different god necessarily… especially concerning the various indo-european names of gods. A simple illustration of this is to compare modern English days of the week with romance language counterparts. Those gods are the same gods spanning the entire indo-european civilization though they differ in name. Woden/Odin/Jupiter/Jove/Jehovah… are all the same god. Jehovah most likely found his way into the near east through indo-european interaction. The etymology of the gods is interesting. Your point is better made by comparing christians to a south pacific islander worshiping a volcano god… but this is surface thinking. The abstract quality of that god would resonate with the destructive power of Jupiter and would in that sense be his equivalent. What is real? The physical or the imagined?

Point 2…People still don’t understand much. The randomness of the life experience is either explained from the atheistic counterpart to fatalism… ie determinism…ie no randomness… or by quantum mechanics that so far at least, suggests that our life’s outcome is unique and subjective and leaves a big “?” concerning the actual mechanics involved.

Third point is valid.

4: The counterpoint to this is the question of how we can relax the laws inherent in the universe at an arbitrary point in order to establish the cause and effect cycle. If spontaneity is possible at some point… why not any point? Deductive logic falls apart… and ockham’s razor becomes useless.

5 is a good question…

Your 6th point is apples and oranges… God and evolution aren’t alternate theories for the same problem. Evolution attempts to explain the diversity of live on earth. A god has been used to explain the diversity of life… but the validity of evolution can only disprove a god if it is necessary that a god was the direct cause of the diversity.

Point 7 is lacking thought. Saturn was a hellish god… from the point of view of man. Man suffers in this reality. Perhaps at the hands of a sadist god… perhaps in an attempt to distinguish goodness and depravity… perhaps for an unknown reason.. or maybe for no good reason at all… we just do. There are a multitude of reasons if you take the time to seriously contemplate this question. Not a bad question to ask at all… but it deserves more of your thought process than it is receiving.

Answer #7

say whut??? “You were raised a Christian but obviously reject that the Bible is the inspired, infallable word of God…food for thought.” I guess so. im not sure what your trying to gett across

Answer #8

There are many thought problems with the person who put up these questions and that is what led him to his beliefs. Let us look at it.

1. If I were born in india I wud have been hindu. If I was born in isreal I wud have been jewish. How do we know whitch religion is right?

There are people born India who are Christians. There are also people born as a Hindu and grew up as a Hindu but suddenly changed to Christianity. Therefore where you are born does not decide your religion. You can know which religion is right by a proper study of History.

2. When ever humans dont understand something they make a god for it like the ancient greeks romans and others. Ex sun god rain god. Now that we know what these things are we dont have a god anymore. Our current gods are for the afterlife because we dont know about that yet. Maybe one day we will.

I do agree that some people did make gods in the past but it is also true that people of those days were not dumb as we think they are. For example the people who wrote the Vedas about 500 years before Jesus were knowledgeable people who had written about various mathematical theories that we currently use. Studies have also shown that they had quite advanced knowledge in the field of astronomy. Incedently the writers of the Vedas also recognized the fact that a sacrifice would be essential to save a man form his eternal doom. They have also described about how God would come down as man and perform this sacrifice and the details match exactly fit Jesus.

3. If a god made this amazing, incredible, intricate universe he must be something so incredible we cant think of. Maybe no one on this earth is right.

The God who made this universe is incredible as you said and is also sensible enough to not let man grope in darkness for who the real God is. God has revealed Himself but man does not accept that revelation and so is still in ignorant.

4. You may say “if there is no god who made the universe?” well, I dont know but I have a question of my own. If god had to make the universe isnt there someone who had to make him and that god and the next. Its a neverending cycle.

That is a wrong understanding. Many people have this very same question and I am when they will understand the truth. God does not have a beginning or an end. Why do you thing He must have a beginning? Is that not limiting God?

5. How do we know the bible is even real. What if was just some random guy who made a fictional story based on reality and called it the bible because he thoght it was a cool name.

You are showing total ignorance. Any who reads through the Bible will easily be able to understand that it is not a work of fiction. Thats what even a casual reader will be able to make out. Everyone who has studied the Bible is convinced that this book had been written under a supernatural influence.

6. the only evidence for god is faith. Evolution has so much more to back it up on

The claim that evolution has evidence is a lie that all of us have been taught all trough our childhood. The contrary to your statement is true. There are evidence for God’s existence. There have always been.

7. How is there a god if little inocent babies die that have done no wrong?

Who told you that anyone who dies, dies because of the wrong they do? There are many reasons why babies could die. Babies dieing has nothing to do with God’s existence in any way.

Answer #9
  1. Nobody knows the “right” religion. Ther isn’t necaserily one it is down to opinin and upbringing

  2. That is exactly why there is religion- people trying to make light of the world and attempting to understand the universe.

  3. Who knows?

  4. Exactly, as a Christian I am sure you know that they believe in the design process and that everrything has been designed by God. A good point is who designed God?

  5. There are certain parts of the bible that are known facts; jesus’ existance, dates of his death ect. Although the logic behind it’s teachings and messages were made up by Jesus’ decipals, therfore most words in the book are actually fiction as it can not be prooved as truth (also many parts that have been proved wrong such as evolution and homosexuals)

  6. True, there is no evidence of God. Faith is what followers have.

  7. My point exactly- God is supposed to be Benevolent and all good but he sees thousands of people die every day. he would not do that if he was all good and powerfull.

Answer #10

Therefore where you are born does not decide your religion.

Not always… but it DOES play a role.

You can know which religion is right by a proper study of History.

No… you can’t…

Any who reads through the Bible will easily be able to understand that it is not a work of fiction. Thats what even a casual reader will be able to make out.

An objective reader will find the Bible to be similar to Homer’s Illiad. A mixture of historical events, philosophy, and fantasy.

Everyone who has studied the Bible is convinced that this book had been written under a supernatural influence.

…everyone huh? Quit generalizing… it only makes YOU look ignorant.

The claim that evolution has evidence is a lie

There ARE aspects of evolution that have been PROVEN to occur in nature. Are there any aspects of CREATIONISM that have been proven to occur? NO. Don’t claim something is a lie, by LYING yourself… this again, further shows YOUR ignorance.

The contrary to your statement is true. There are evidence for God’s existence. There have always been.

WRONG. There is ‘evidence’ of BOTH. But there is ‘proof’ of NEITHER.

Answer #11

If this question is directed towards me…

What makes you assume Jesus is omnipotent? He suffered on the cross… toiled in Hell for three days… languished before capture. Are these evidence of omnipotence?

Who suffers when a baby dies? If you are going to implant a christian deity into the scenario… then you should consider the rest of the belief system when determining malice. The baby would not suffer… it would be delivered into paradise. Those who lost the baby would suffer… but only because of their humanity… their inability to have faith in reconciliation. Fear and dread are human emotions… Jesus was prone to them as well… but a key tenet of Christianity is to overcome both… to leave the material world.

This is a good question to ask… but not with such a rigid critical thinking set…

Why only the little babies?… do those low iodine… fata$$ bouncing babies deserve to be offed?

Answer #12

You mean biblical religions. pl seem to forget there are other religions that are not biblical. Why do they exist after science has proved them wrong time after time & scientifically explained nearly every event in the bible, not a clue.

Answer #13

I’m athiest. I don’t believe in any god. For all the theories that in christianity god created the world, science proves it to be wrong. Although I don’t Descriminate against others with religious beliefs

Answer #14

ok first off… my friends mom died of cancer when my friend was 11. she did no wrong, neither did her family. how cud an all powerful god takesomeone that young? for no reason

Answer #15

she did no wrong, neither did her family.

NO wrong, huh? That’s highly unlikely… and from a biblical standpoint… IMPOSSIBLE.

Answer #16

im not talking about thoses ancient like gods but about jesus. why would he let little babies die. just because he felt like it?

Answer #17

im not talking about thoses ancient like gods but about jesus. why would he let little babies die. just because he felt like it?

Answer #18

ok first off… my friends mom died of cancer when my friend was 11. she did no wrong, neither did her family. how cud an all powerful god takesomeone that young? for no reason

Answer #19

im not talking about thoses ancient like gods but about jesus. why would he let little babies die. just because he felt like it?

Answer #20

ok first off… my friends mom died of cancer when my friend was 11. she did no wrong, neither did her family. how cud an all powerful god takesomeone that young? for no reason

Answer #21

Get used to it… amblessed is a one-trick pony…

The equivalent of a person with T.S. walking into a room, yelling ‘’YAY JESUS!’’ …and then walking out.

Answer #22

I’m Buddhist and I don’t believe in God.

The simple fact is that none of us know what the “true” religion is, but we do what feels right by us, whether it be faith or moral value - it’s all the same, but it leads us down different paths.

Maybe there is a God, maybe there isn’t - but while we’re on this earth, why can we not choose for ourselves what path to follow?

The way I see it, so long as our beliefs (or lack of) can lead us down an equal path of kindness, love, and compassion, then why should it matter in the very end? I do not fear any wrath of a God I don’t believe exists, but I do think that if there were a God, there would be more to his system of ideals than to simply worship him.

Answer #23

why wud he let them die??? if he made the universe why wudnt he save them. you sed “You are showing total ignorance. Any who reads through the Bible will easily be able to understand that it is not a work of fiction. Thats what even a casual reader will be able to make out. Everyone who has studied the Bible is convinced that this book had been written under a supernatural influence.”

if harry potter or twilight was found thousands of years from now people cud interpert it as history or a religion. they cud have sed it was writen under supernatural conditions.

Answer #24

im a christian I sat I believe in god but to me I just call it rain of good luck because im blessed [lol] BUT reality wise god does not exist like really god does not exist. noone knows how the universe was made,but who really cares lol probably science theory but we should live for today ,and if people believe in god then wouldnt we all be living the suite life lol :L, and then we would all be family following the adam and eve story ,and then black and asian people wouldnt be here, because adam and eve were white

I could go on for ever lol but hey its what fun advice is for lol

Answer #25

* Any who reads through the Bible will easily be able to understand that it is not a work of fiction.

True. Having read it cover to cover multiple times, I will attest it is not a work of fiction. It’s a work of mythology, propaganda, poetry, and legend, but not fiction.

The OP has nailed the problem of the origin of god. Either there is an infinite regression of creators, or at some point, something has to exist uncreated. Why can that something not be the universe itself?

Answer #26

If you can ever get past your doubts, God will be there.

Answer #27

You were raised a Christian but obviously reject that the Bible is the inspired, infallable word of God…food for thought.

Answer #28

I don’t think you understand what I am arguing.

Answer #29

wow thats a really good way to put it.

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