How do I win her over??

so dis da thing I realy like dis girl. she and me and abuch of our frnds alwys hng out after school. I flrt w/ her a bit and at mmnts she seems to 2. but oter tims she seems distnt. she hsnt had a boyfriend yet so im wndrn if shes just bein shy? it is just so esy 2 talk 2 her, shes unlik ny oter girl I’ve eva met. but now 1 of my oter frnds seems 2 like her 2(btw imnot that great o frnds wit him)im afrad if I wait 2 long il lose my oport and I rely want to ask her out but how shud I?if it dsnt wrk out I stil want to b frnds

Answer #1

1st what is a macca? 2nd my english is pretty good but I was useing my psp 2 type this and I was only able 2 write so much so I had 2 cut some letters out

Answer #2

Maybe she’s unsure of how she feels. Before you ask her out, find out first where the two of you stand, if its meant to be it will, if its just friends then thats ok too. :)

Answer #3

well first off try to use proper english next time as your writing was annoying to read as for your question go up and talk to her, tell her you like her and ask her if she’d like to hang out with you or go somewere with you like to the movies or to maccas or something and if she says no just say somethng like “thats cool, I hope we can still be friends”

Answer #4

Whats A Macca?

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