how do I unclog my noes?

I have really bad allergies.During the years I always get really bad stuffy noes.I would like to learn some ways to feel better!

Answer #1

use vicks and just dabb it under your nostrels and it works amazing but you have to smell it all day :/

Answer #2

try taking a shower in the mornings to unclog your nose and if your in school or in work try going to the bathroom and turning the water on hot so a little steam comes splash soem on your face but not enough to burn you also try nazel spray

Answer #3

Well if you are allergic to Hand Sanitzer I tell you not to try this. But what I do is inhale the smell of the sanitzer.It is sharp but it works!

Hope this helped!

Answer #4

vicks is good.

or you could boil a pot of water, and put your face over the steam, but not to close so that you burn your face

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