How do I turn feminine??

Ok I am this super tomboy since I was 10… Now I am 18 and have a boyfrnd who always comments that I talk,walk, sit, dress, eat like a boy and its irritating so I have finally decided to change for the better because I dont want to lose him.. I am usually spotted in loose tee shirts and shorts… Another thing is that I am a little fat and I am embaressed about wearing short clothes and d only make up I have started using is lip gloss usually pink since its d same as the color of my lips … Confession tym got a big bust size so I feel akward in tight tops… Help!! :(

Answer #1

First off, you are you wether he likes it or not. You shouldnt change yourself for anyone but you. Only for you if he doesnt like it you mote than likely will find someone who will. If he is still with you theres a reason obvisiously he likes you but I wouldnt put up with him telling me I need to change your young plenty of fish in the sea who may treat you better be better than him he has no right to make you change the way you are. Everyone is beautiful in their own way indide and out. Do what makes you happy if he says you need to change or youll lise me, then drop him but if you want to change for you then do being beautiful isnt about dressing your sexiest or putting pounds of makeup on we all know thats for people with insecurities being beautiful is wearing what you feel good inn wearing sweats with your hair up wearing tshirts and shorts like you say no matter who he is if hes a true man he will think your beautiful no matter what your wearing you shouldnt worry what he thinks is nice you are who you are you dress how you want thats all I have to say!!!

Answer #2

try wearing tighter fitting jeans with skinny ankle bottoms, if your not comfortable in those you could always try something a little looser fitting that compliments your shape…you dont have to wear a lot of makeup but eyeliner and maskera help, maybe a little eyeshadow

you could paint your nails or get them done also

hope this helps a little I was the same way

Answer #3

Now I am 18 and have a boyfrnd who always comments that I talk,walk, sit, dress, eat like a boy and its irritating so I have finally decided to change for the better because I dont want to lose him.

Here is how to make yourself feel more beautiful and like a girl. DUMP HIM

and get some SELF CONFIDENCE. You shouldn’t be putting up with a guy criticizing the way you look.

Answer #4

girl if he cant take you for you then he’s not worth your time

Answer #5

I know this is the classic response but I think you should be yourself, if you are comfortable being a tomboy then stay a tomboy and if your boyfriend can’t except that then he’s not right for you. But if you’re not just doing this over a boy and you’re doing this for you then I would say,

Wear some form fitting clothes they don’t have to be skin tight but something that shows you have a body Try to eat a little neater just watch what you’re doing while you eat When you sit just cross your legs and sit up straighter and not with your legs all spread out lol When it comes to walking I would just say just stand up straighter With makeup wear concealer, some mascara and some eyeliner. It’s going to be a pretty big process but if you really want to do it, it’s most definitely possible… I hope I helped a little :)

Answer #6

I agree with dramaqueen. Never let someone make you feel bad about what makes you happy. So what if you’re a tomboy. Your guy obviously likes you for some reason because he picked you. Probably because you are comfortable with who you are. Don’t change who you are for someone else. Do what makes you happy.

Answer #7

Hey hun,

Okay I am here 2 help. I used 2 b just like you. Now im probably the girlest sluttest girl ull meet, but I know you just wanna b girly. Okay try using eyeliner and maskera. Next wear skinny jeans. Then go get your nails done. Also try not wearing t shirts. Low cut shirts would be good. Go to the salon and get your hair done. When you sit, sit with your legs crossed. Also try and still up straight

I hope I helped xoxo byebye

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