How do I tell if he's just shy or if he's just not into me?

Ok I have known this guy for a few years and I have always had a crush on him. He works at a video store that I go to frequently, but I have always had a boyfriend since I have known him. When me and my boyfriend broke up about 4 months ago I was in the store telling my other friend who works there about it and he over heard and gave me his number. I called him and we hung out a few times, but I noticed that I’m always the one calling him. The last time we hung out was about a month ago and I left to go to work and he told me to call him when I get off of work, but I never called. I’m starting to miss being around him a lot and regret not calling him that night… my question is why doesnt he call me and always want me to call him? Is he shy? or maybe he doesnt like me.. the only reason I think he does like me is when we hang out he acts like he wants to be with me. Should I call him just to see how he responds?

Answer #1

You could call him, but I would leave a text message first and see how he responds. Sometimes, calls can be awkward. He could be shy, or he could like the fact that you take time out of your day to call/talk to him first. My boyfriend likes when I do that, and he hates to call first because then he feels like he’s the only one who cares. You could see how he acts around his coworkers versus how he acts towards you :) If you can hold a long conversation with him and you both enjoy it, then go for it! You don’t really have anything to lose, and if in the end, he does reject you.. it’s better than never trying and never knowing :P

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