how do I tell him??

ok well me and my ex have gone out like 3-4 times and the last time we broke up I thought I would get over him easily because all the other times I have but somehow I didnt and I still like him…well wer still really good friends…well da question is how do I go about tellin him that I still like him??? help please!! <3

Answer #1

write a note and put it in his locker

Answer #2

Are you a glutten for punishment? Hes an ex for a reason! You couldnt make it work the last 4 times, what makes you think it will this time? Its obvious that you two arent compatible, so why keep punishing yourself by going back to something that doesnt work? You cant have a future, if you keep living in the past, and a friendship will only work is there are NO feelings involved!

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