How do I tell a guy I like him?

What’s the best way to tell a guy that you like him? A card? A direct conversation? Asking one of his classmates to tell him? Which one?

Answer #1

The best way is to tell him directly.That way,he hears it directly from YOU!!!Most guys don’t like it when someone sends a messenger to tell them.Sometimes,not always,the guy you like doesn’t know your friends,or whoever you might be sending to tell him.It’s annoying to have people you don’t know come up to you telling you that someone likes them.They might think the person is lying or something.If you have enough confidance to tell him directly,practice what you’re going to say,but make sure if “flows”.If it sounds rehearsed,he’ll probably think you’re faking.Next,when you’ve gotten what you’re going to say down,try to catch him when he’s by himself.It’s intimidating and embarrassing to try to tell your feelings if front of an audience.The sad part,is that you must ALWAYS be prepared for rejection.If he doesn’t have feelings for you or has a girlfriend(really annoying),tell him alrite and move on.If you think you’re going to cry,don’t keep it bottled up,but don’t let it out right there.Go into a bathroom if you’re at school,or just smile,walk away and find a private place.Hope I helped :)

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