How do I talk to him?

I added my crush on msn 2 months ago and we never really had a convo; he tried to start a convo with me one time but I wasn’t at my cpu…so do you think I should talk to him? If yes, what should I say?? I’m kinda stuck:s

Answer #1

yeah talk to him leave him mails (not too many like 1-2 everyday) and a conversation would just start. if you ever get stuck tell him ull be right back and during that time think of somethin thats what I did and it worked out pretty good

Answer #2

Of course you should talk to him :). And all you have to talk about is something you have in common or an why of his intrests, or drama that happened at school. Really there are lots of things to talk about, just dont be nervous. Because once you start talking you will be able ot go from there and get more topics and stuff, and it should just all flow together nicley :)

Good Luck -Tizz

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