How do I talk abt it to my parents?

Hi all,

I have a boyfrnd.and I told to ma parents abt it 2 years back.They fiirst disagreed and later they agreed.But they never liked abt ma decission of chossing ma own life partner, rather they prefered me going for arranged marriage. Now, the problem is that that they never speak abt it.Its been two years guys. ofcrs we all (His family and my family were waiting for ma elder sister to get married), but they don’t even want to find abt that guy, and first of all they never ever talk abt him. even if a converstaion starts by mistake, every one at home is sad and no one talks to me for a day or 2. and he is well settled, good family, and we are into a relation ship for 8 years now. and do you guys think we cant live together happily for ever? I love him a lot. and he loves me a lot. he is waiting for me for 8 years now. and how do I make these conversations easy at home? I am an Indian and ma family is kind of orthodox. Every one agreed abt ma decision.. but no one talks abt it. I really feel sad abt it. please advice how to make things better. (I am 24 yr old).

Answer #1

You need to talk to your family no matter if they dont want to talk about it because you love your’s not fair for your boyfriend to wait for you for a long time..if you dont talk to them then you arent going to be happy have to find a way to make them talk to you then give them some time until they will realizae how happy you are with that guy so everything will be fine :)

Answer #2

you should talk to your parents about it and if they don’t agree with your decison then you should just do your own thing. your 24 years old! you should be old enough to make your own desicions. you want your parents to support you but it kind of looks like they don’t. so you need to ask yourself if this guy is important enought to you to disobey your parents wishes. it seems like you don’t have the same feelings about marrige as they do. so you should just make sure that hes the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with. not who your parents or someone else wants you to spend there life with. its your life, notyour parents. your to the age were you can make your own desicons. of course it would be nice to have your parents approval but that might not happen. and you don’t want to live your life unhappy. you want to be happy with your man

Answer #3

I am an Indian… and I don’t want to get married without ma parents presence.. and ofcrs they agreed… but the problemis that that they don’t talk abt it at all … and even if we happen to discuss abt it and argue and convers at it my mom and dad are sad and I cant see them so sad … and I m very happy with this guy … he is happy with me too… as black diva says that I shud find a way to discuss and let ma parents find abt that guy… but it gets soo hard for me to talk abt him… I know ma parents are against love marrriage … they agreed abt our relationship but they are still not happy by heart.. they dint expect thhis from me… what I want to do is… find a way to talk abt him.. and tell him how cariing he is and how much I care for him… please tell me ways to talk abt him at ma home… and how to make it easy to start the conversation.. hope you guys understand how tough it is when no one talks abt it.. and even if sumone happens to talk abt it.. everyone is upset and I really feel bad abt it…

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