how do I stop my dog from running away from home?

My dog runs under the fence and away from home. When I try to get him to come back he runs farther away even when I offer him treats. How do I get control back?

Answer #1

First of all, put a leash on him when you aren’t there to supervise him and find a way to patch the fence so he can’t get through.

When you are outside with him you can work on training him about boundaries…using a long leash, allow him to run out as far as he can go, then call him back. If he doesn’t return, gently pull him back(you don’t need to strangle him). Give him a treat when he reaches you. Eventually he’ll start to understand that he gets rewarded when he comes back. Once you’re comfortable with him understanding that, take off the leash and practice without it.

He’ll learn his boundaries, but you have to be persistent.

Answer #2

Generally positive reinforcement is best (teach him how to sit, stay etc with rewards). I’ve taught my cat by punishment (because she apparently finds nothing rewarding). When she’d run out without permission I’d keep her in the bathroom for a little while. She quickly learned what no meant. Again, I’d start out with treats and a leash. But if nothing works, you’ve got that as an alternative.

Answer #3

*First of all, put a leash on him when you aren’t there to supervise him

Actually this is very bad advice. NEVER leash your dog when someone is not there to supervise him. This is extremely dangerous for the dog. *

Well, then, perhaps you should take your case to all the cities who have enforced leash laws…I know my town certainly has.

There is a safe way to leash your dog, you know.

Answer #4

*First of all, put a leash on him when you aren’t there to supervise him

Actually this is very bad advice. NEVER leash your dog when someone is not there to supervise him. This is extremely dangerous for the dog. Plus tethering increases the incidence of dog bites. You are removing their ability to flee when they feel threatened…The saying is ‘flight or fight’ and tethering removes the option of flight.

He should be kept inside when you can’t supervise him in the yard. Some dogs are just natural escape artists. Repetition and consistency will help condition the dog to stay away from the yard’s borders. Use a firm voice if necessary to get your dog’s attention, but then reward him when he does come so he will associate the command with something positive. Channel the dog’s attention elsewhere by engaging him in an activity such as a game of catch.

Strengthen your fence. Extend the length of your fence, replace the slats with longer slats or slats that are closer together, or repair any holes or broken slats. Place cinder blocks along the bottom to deter digging.

ALSO, and this is very important…is your dog neutered? If not, have him neutered…it almost completely removes the ‘need’ to roam.

Answer #5

A leash law and a tethering law are two different things. A leash law states that your dog should be on a leash when outside a secure, confined area and with a human, not tied to something. A tethering or chaining law refers to a chain or rope used (most cites state at least 8 feet…much longer than a leash) when your dog is attached to something. Usually used when no fence is available. Perhaps it is a difference in wording…a leash is not a tether, perhaps where you live, a leash refers to an 8-10 foot long cable.

And most progressive cities are passing laws that ban or severely restrict the use of tether for animals. More than 100 communities in more than 30 states have passed laws that regulate the practice of tethering animals. Maumelle, Ark., and Tucson, Ariz., completely prohibit the unattended tethering of dogs. Many other communities only allow tethering for limited periods of time or during certain conditions. Orange County, Fla., for example, does not allow tethering between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or during times of extreme weather.

And actually I do take my case to cities that allow tethering…I work to develop and pass humane animal laws and and understand the emotional and physical impact tethering has on animals.

In addition to The Humane Society of the United States and numerous animal experts, the U. S. Department of Agriculture issued a statement in the July 2, 1996, Federal Register against tethering:

“Our experience in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act has led us to conclude that continuous confinement of dogs by a tether is inhumane. A tether significantly restricts a dog’s movement. A tether can also become tangled around or hooked on the dog’s shelter structure or other objects, further restricting the dog’s movement and potentially causing injury.”

Attaching a dog’s leash to a long line—such as a clothesline or a manufactured device known as a pulley run—and letting the animal have a larger area in which to explore is preferable to tethering the dog to a stationary object. However, many of the same problems associated with tethering still apply, including attacks on or by other animals, lack of socialization and safety.

So, no matter if you say leash, chain or rope…tethering is NOT good advice.

Answer #6

utopia, now you’re simply disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. Enough is enough. You just went on a rant regarding the difference between leashing and tethering, for pity’s sake. ichi’s advice was sound. You are confusing the issue on a question of semantics.

Answer #7

No, I am not just disagreeing to disagree. The advice was not sound. There are valid and documented reasons to not tether or leash both emotional and physical.

And you state I am disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. lol. Talk about the pot calling the kettle.

Answer #8

You have to teach him to ‘come’…and you do that with a long line (I make one with 5/8th’s nylon rope…you can buy it at any hardware store by the foot…and pick up a little snap to put on the end of it, while you’re there). I use 25 to 30 feet…let him roam while you have the rope…Kneel and say COME, keep a smile on your face, even open your arms…if he ignores you, reel him in, and when he gets to you, give him a GOOD treat (cut up hotdogs into little chunks)…You will have to work with him 3 or 4 times a day, for 15 minutes at a time…he WILL learn to come to you.

If he gets out, try going the other way and calling him…this works well with young dogs…their curiosity makes them follow you. DO NOT under ANY circumstances punish him when you do catch up with him (it’s hard, because it’s frustrating…but you’ll have to control yourself)…when you get ahold of him, tell him what a GOOD boy he is…Anytime you punish him for not coming, you’re giving him more reason not to come.

Also…fix your fence so he can’t get out.


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