How do I stop masturbating?

how do I stop wankin(masturebatin) help please I need proper help im 13 tell me how do I stop lol fun mail and please giv me an answer

Answer #1

well at age 13-14, its realy uncontrolable…but its not a bad thing to mastrebate, you are going through puberty which hormones begin to kick in…im guessing you have just learned how to mastrebate not that long ago…so you are gonna want to do it frequently. Dont feel like if its bad to do this…ask any doctor, its perfectly natural to mastrebate frequently…its the type of people who say its nasty that might make you feel that its wrong…but guess what…it isnt. So keep on going, you will learn how to control your urges when you are older.


Answer #2

I’ve been trying duct tape now as well and that seems to work better than scotch tape because it stays on longer.

I ordered two topical anesthetic sprays and the benzocaine one seems to work but the lidocaine doesn’t seem very effective however so far I’ve only tried these on my finger.

Answer #3

hey people I want to talk to this people who sayen that it sok with masturbate when people told you that dats mean they doin it and they wont let you stop it case they hate it when you b more power than them and iam mastaurbate any way and I really try to find ways to stop this thing case its really so bad to us to you eye you power if people think that mastaurbate is nt bad so make it and after you end it try to push 10 on the ground you will fall on you face case it take all of you power and you vision I have quite of it maxx for 15 days may be but I came back to it again case I feel weak like I have to do it again BTW you playen sport after I mastaurbate I try to run or do any thing I feel like ma heart almost stop case it take all you power and reme,ber this jerks who say you cant quite mastuarbate or its ok they are fu* liers and I ready to swear abt it just b your self and try to figuerout you ways and I promise I will try to stop it tooo and I will sooon

Answer #4


Answer #5

LMAO myosin!!!

Answer #6

Wrap it with scotch tape. This prevents excess blood to flow into the penis and makes it impossible for you to stroke it while masturbating. Also it takes virtually all enjoyment out of watching porn or even thinking about sex because of reduced heavy blood flow and thus the difficulty maintaining an errection. I’ve been trying this recently and it works almost perfectly.

Also I’ve heard that eating cabbage, sunflower seeds, cuccumbers, and soy can reduce your sex drive. Antihistamines like benadryl can prevent erections and other drugs including most anti-deppressants can reduce sex drive. I’ve read that topical anesthetics can reduce feeling in it making masturbating almost impossible and that the sprays work better than the creams, but I have yet to try this. Concerta is an ADD medicine I’ve been taking for a few years and I’ve noticed that it greatly curbs sexual desire and food desire. But the scotch tape thing works the best.

Super glue or some other permanent glue might work as well as that wound sealant stuff.

Answer #7

basically I think that half of the people on here are fake and have no say in the topic of masturbation. however, I have had a look on certain websites about masturbation and I found out that if a man regularly masturbates he is more likely to see changes to his penis. for example on your bell end you may encounter small spots dont worry about this as it is a natural occurance in the penis that happens if you masturbate too much causing the blood to form small spots on your penis. however if the spots start to ooze or you can visibly see a liquid in any of them then you must seek medical attention straight away.

but to the topic of masturbation there is nothing wrong with it and for jswan00 you clearly say that “ I have seen SLUT IN THE CHURCH CHOIR!!! AND 3/4 OF THEM WEARS LONG SKIRTS AND DRESS LIKE LITTLE ANGLES “ this clearly says that you are not a man therefore you have no say in the topic of masturbation because you do nit pocess the urge to masturbate as you have no penis.

Answer #8

its perfectly normal… I do it all the time there isnt anything wrong with it

Answer #9

If you stop, you’ll probably go insane. I suggest you continue until you’re old enough for an adult relationship…

Answer #10

when you feel the need 2 bust one off, think of something your afraid of or something that makes you sick

Answer #11

Hi guys, I thing that this might help for all those that are trying to stop masturbate. Several years I could not understand why I wanted to masturbate so mush but after some experiments and found out why. For guys its because your private area is to warm, it is suppose to be lower than your body’s temperature. Also the reason why guys gets so horny at times it because of the smell of virgina in the air. the worst thing that can happen is to have a woman’s underwear around you that she had worn for some time. And also because of the sent of period. when guys are around women at these times they tends to have a higher urge to have sex then normal. Some of you’ll might say that im igorant but its the facts. I have tried several times to stop masturbating but never had any success until one day I notice that I was around one of my frinends and she had her period and I had a serious urge to masturbate. the next time it was so hot I could feel the s running out of my di so I started too masturbate. after acouble of the documentation I stop wearing underwear which made my di** cooler and I goes to sleep naked which helps to lower my bodies temperature. then one day I notice I have not masturbate in one week the two, and then 5month can. Guys dont take my word for this try it and you will see , you will stop masturbating in weeks.

For the ladies, it has been said that if you don’t wear any undies your are a s. This is B. S!!! I have seen SLUT IN THE CHURCH CHOIR!!! AND 3/4 OF THEM WEARS LONG SKIRTS AND DRESS LIKE LITTLE ANGLES. Being a slut is all about your actions !!! If any girl want to stop masturbating just stop wearing underwear when your sleeping, and if your conformable you can stop wear it all together accept for that time of the month!!. However, I would say please wear a long or a nice skirt that will cover your as when you bend over or just wear a pant and now underwear. For those who say that guy would see your py. This is also B S!!! Guys can only see up there if your leg is wide open like the grand cannon!!! it is hard as hell to see a women Virgina if her legs are close or just a little bit open. You have to pass seeing a girls thighs first before seeing her Virgina. Just act normal and guys would stop looking at you. Its when you start acting funny that people become curious about what your hiding!!! remember the the cooler your Virgina is, the lest you will masturbate!!! also remember to wash up there to prevent the itching.

Answer #12

well im trying to stop so far been alright I even found out that due to masturbating your body in fact does take a lot out of you to make the semen not only just the sperm I also found that at times I would even get very anxious after ejaculating been 3 days without so far I feel more energenic and less anxious I mean yeah I get horny and a huge urge to do it but I say screw it I wanna see how I get in like 30 days if I let loose the team from the inseem in my sleep then so be it

Answer #13

I wanted to stop masterbaiting too. and every time I got the erge to, all I had to do was do sumtihg else. I watched tv, a movie, called a friend, read a book or even do homework. or do sumthing else. like even eating…

Answer #14

DO NOT STOP MASTURBATING! There is nothing wrong with it and it is an important body function for males. It keeps the prostate healthy. As for jswan002, that is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. The temperature does not effect it in that way. The lower the temperature of the testicles the more sperm you produce. Keep masturbating. It is good for you.

Answer #15

Hi! I am 24 years old I masbtubate past 6 years I think I did 2 times per day I didnt control it is it any way to stop that? or is it affect my future sexual relation ship? can I get some medical advice from here?

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