How do I shave when I'm pregnant ?

Okay I just found out I’m pregnant and I keep myself clean and shaved … Down there . Well I’m gonna get like really fat . Am I suposed to shave so when I have the baby it’s not all hairy ? It’s kind of a stupid question but I really want to know what to do

Answer #1

the doctors and nurses wont care trust me lol they see many things in their practice and honestly vanity goes right out the window when your trying to push a baby out of you lol I don’t know what family is going to be in the room with you??…whatever makes you the most comfortable…go to your salon or tanning place and get it regulary until you have the baby and are able to shave agian. there is less irritation that away and its a lot easier lol

Answer #2

The doctor wouldnt care, he would be too busy trying to get the baby out during delivery. Shaving would be hard to do with your baby in the way, but if you want to, you can just try the best you can with it. Remember that the doctor and nurses won’t care, they are prepared for anything and they have seen TONS of vaginas already and I bet you they’ve seen tons with hair. its fine, do what’s right for you

Answer #3

you could always ask your hubby or partner to do it for you,im sure they would oblidge. toni

Answer #4

I would. Of course it’s gonna get really hard to sooner or later, but you can always try your best.

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