How do I say no?

My boy friend wants to eat me out not just yet but eventually… we havent been going out 4 all that long I really love him and want to make him happy so I will do it if he really wants me 2 but I don’t no how 2 tell him that I don’t like the thought of the idea and don’t wanna lead him on Should I just let him do it? or how 2 say no?

Answer #1

You should never let someone do something like that to you if you arent ready. I have had it done, and whew, lordy it’s amazing.. but if you aren’t ready, then just say no. If he really likes you, he will respect that.

Answer #2

Just tell him you aren’t ready. If he cared about you, he’ll understand. and if he doesn’t..dump him, cause its obvious what he wants.

Answer #3

if you dont feel comterbla just say no tell him your not ready he shount presure u just tell him you need time :)

Answer #4

You should NEVER feel like you have to do something just to keep your boyfriend happy. That kind of attitude wont get any respect! A relationship is not a game where you keep score. Your body is not some prize to be awarded to the lucky winner. Don’t ever tell yourself - or let a guy make you feel - that you “owe” your boyfriend. This is why SO many girls get hurt, because the give their horny little boyfriends whatever they want to keep them from breaking up with them, but they always seem to leave anyway. There are a lot of great guys out there who won’t put that kind of pressure on you. There are guys who will agree with and support your decision to not pressure you, guys who will respect you, now and in the morning. Hold out for one of those guys. They do exist!

Answer #5

I think you should say to him what you just told us. Be true to your self, and be honest to him. You shouldn’t EVER have to do anything physically that you don’t wish to. OR tell him you go with the flow and will go with what is comfy at the time. No promises.

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