How do I say it's too soon?

Situation : B/f asked to finger me, I’m not sure so I don’t think I will let him for now but..

How do I tell him? Because I’m afraid he’ll go off me, however he’s not the type of guy to do that.

Answer #1

No one should ever pressure you into doing something you dont wanna do. If he does, he doesnt respect you, or even care about you. He just wants to get in your pants! Tell him how you feel, if he doesnt like it, then let him take his business elsewhere!

Answer #2

tell him your not comfortable with doing that yet. if he really loves you, he will understand.

Answer #3

just tell him that ur not ready yet

Answer #4

Tell him you’re not ready, and if he loves you, then he should understand. He wouldn’t force you if he does love you.

Answer #5

Well it depends how old r u and how long have u been together?

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