How do I reply to some1who has given me advise here on funadvice?

Ya how do I reply to that person? Like do I go to the box where it sais to answer my question or what? Hahh because im confused

Answer #1

thank you you guyss >.<

Answer #2

yes, you can type an answer in the box of your own question to reply to them you could also click on the persons profile and comment them or funmail them but on your question is probably the best way

Answer #3

yawp reply to your own questions just make sure you state their username, or you could send them a funmail or comment.

Answer #4

FunMail is private. Comments posted to their profile are public, as are responses written in the box underneath your original question.

If you found the answer to be particularly good, then give them respect by clicking on ‘YES’ … the last line in the box with their answer. (did you find this answer helpful? YES)

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