How do I really know what to do or what to thing "guys"help?

Ok me an my boyfriend spend everyday an night together for 3 months strait never left each others side only when I had to work which is 2 times a week an he would bring me and pick me up an then we would go home which he lived with me of course an we played mario on wii we watched movies rassled lol we acted like bestfriends an boyfriend an girlfriend like he cryed so hard over me 2 times an begged me back once but just yesterday he says he needs space an time for himself just for a little while but he loves me so much an he hasnt spent time with his family an his moms getting surgery an crap but I told him I didnt want him back again if he asked me an it was over then he was really sad an he was like I wont find any one else cause I dont want anyone else blah blah blha when do I no he;ll ever come back tho I mean we were always together we always slept next to each other he did everything for me how can he just let go:’’(?? Help

Answer #1

God this question makes me so mad! What the f is wrong with you? why are you so clingy and needy that the poor man cannot spend a minute apart with you. his family needs him right now and all you can think of is yourself instead of supporting him in his time of need. the man needs to give his head a shake and run from you like a gazelle from a cheetah! grow up and start treating your man a little better!

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