How do I not be torn between two?

Im in love with montrel and I have been with him for 2 years but joey is amazing and I cant help but think about him all day everyday even when im with montrel… I dont wanna give up my relationship with montrel but I want a relationship with joey.. What do I do… Joey is so in love with me but so is montrel.. Ugh im so confused… Help?

Answer #1

Well, it’s no fair to ask anyone to share, so here’s my opinion.

You need to decide who you love more. I don’t personally think you can be IN love with two people at once. You can love more than one person, but deep down the attatchment to one or the other will overpower, and you will make a choice. Sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes it takes a while to see.

But one way or another. There is something about that one special person that just grabs you. I really wish you luck, but your situation is really complicated, and it’s hard giving an outside opinion on something so complicated and touchy. I just hope you make the right decision. :)

Answer #2

Well it sounds to me like you love this Joey more than you’re 2 year love Montrel. Personally if you are desiring to be with Joey, you are kinda already cheating on Montrel. There you should back out of a relationship.

Personally if you’re in a relationship with Montrel, then you should leave Joey alone. I know he’s a great guy, but you’re to Montrel and not to Joey. If your hand causes you to sin then cut it off. If seeing Joey is gonna hinder your relationship with Montrel, leave Joey alone.

Because what you’re gonna do is break up with Montrel for Joey. He’s gonna be upset but you’re gonna be fine with Joey. Then Montrel is gonna move on and you’re gonna be regretting breaking up with him and think about Montrel when you are then to Joey. So if you leave Joey alone… then you can be happy with Montrel. Plus Joey can’t expect you to give up your 2 year relationship for him. So leave Joey alone, for all 3 of y’all’s sakes.

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