How do I move on from him??

I have an ex-beau who I still have really strong feelings for and we broke up for the 3rd and final time sometime in February. We were still talking as friends and out of nowhere he stops talking to me. So im like ok w/e im not going to kiss his a$$ for him to alk to me, but still im not over him and I guess what I need to know is, how do I get over him and find someone else when he’s the best I’ve ever had??

Answer #1

Well, I’ve went through the same darn thing. What you need to do is trying to distant yourself frm him.. try not to think about him..stuff like that. but what I did is I kept a journal, and I wrote everything I wanted to say to him but couldnt..its almost like you are scared to tell him in person bc your scared of what people or him might say. But if you write all them things in a journal.. or pretend you are writing him a not.. but the only catch is.. your not really going to give it to him,,, That helped me get over him…

Hope I helped:))

Answer #2

Perhaps you should stop talking to him for abit. Get your mind off him. Go out with friends, socialise.. You may think he’s the best you’ve ever had and WILL ever have but think when you find that guy in the future that you just fall head over heels for.. soon you’ll find a guy that you are totally in love with. Then see who is the best you’ve ever had. You just got to be patient and let your heart heal. It takes time.

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