How do I move on?

I live with my boyfriend of 4 years. I love him. I really do. He is absolutely amazing and I know how lucky I am, however, I have a problem. As cliche as it is, I don’t know if I’m “in love” with him. I am still hung up on my crush from over 4 years ago. This guy, we’ll call “kenny” was my best friend. We were inseparable. Naturally, I developed a crush on him. Actually, not just a crush. I loved him. It was the hardest thing in the world. I never told him. We’ve slowly drifted from being close friends. He’s had girlfriends, I’m in a serious relationship. Yet, I can’t stop thinking about what if. We rarely even talk anymore. On the occasion we do, my heart is going crazy. I have butterflies. The whole 9 yards. How can I get over him? It has been going on for too long. I can’t take the heart ache.

Answer #1

Unfortionatley the ONLY way you can get over this guy is to eventually date him. If you like him as much as I think you do you need to get back in contact with him and tell him how you feel… Otherise whoever you date from now on will never have your full heart… You will always have that little peice that still belongs to this guy…

Answer #2

you should have been over him. or atleast your boyfrend should be doing something so well that it keeps your mind off the other guy. somethings not rite sweetie

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