How do I make my boyfriend turn Christian?

Hes a non christian man, but um, hes a believer and doesnt believe in sex before marriage or drinking and stealing and killing and all of that so it shouldn’t be much of a tough task but I just dont know how to start,..

Answer #1

You cant make your anybody turn a certain religion. Let him be who he wants, its not right to try and drag him into something. Maybe one day he will find god, maybe he wont. Thats his choice, let it be.

Answer #2

The simple answer is that you can’t do it alone. The only way that anyone can become a Christian is by an action of the Holy Spirit.; faith is a gift (1 Cor. 12:3). That doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do; in fact there are certain things that you need to do if you want him to convert.

  1. You have to be the best witness that you can be. As Pope John Paul 2 observed, “the world will listen to witnesses more than it will listen to teachers, and if it listens to teachers, it’s because they are witnesses.”

That means that you have to try your best (with the help of God’s grace) to be the best Christian that you can be. You won’t be able to be perfect, but you have to try and ask God for help.

  1. You have to be honest with him and with yourself. If you do something wrong, as we all do, you have to be big enough to admit it. The other side of that coin is being ready to forgive the faults of him and others (see Mt 5:7; 18:21-35). “You can’t preach cream and live skim milk” (Sr. M. Johanna Paruch; see also Lk. 6:40-42).

  2. If he has questions or critiques, don’t get defensive. “Never attack, never defend, always clarify” (Sr. M Johanna Paruch (my Catechetics teacher)). If he has honest questions, do your best to answer them without judging him. If he asks a question that you don’t know the answer to, tell him that you don’t know, but talk to someone who will know and find out for him. If you need my help, feel free to funmail me.

  3. Pray for him in his conversion. Prayer keeps you centered on the ultimate goal: bringing him to Christ. You will have to be persistent with you prayers. God always gives the good gifts that we need, but he gives them in his own time. Persistence and perserverance is the key (see Lk 11:1-13).

Good luck and God Bless!

Answer #3

Your faith is more important than your boyfriend. That is why it is necessary to show him God. My boyfriend is also not Christian. He is amazing and does not fight against my beliefs, but it still effects my faith. The Bible says don’t be in relationships with non-believers because it can damage your faith. This is why showing him the Gospel is important (besides spreading the Gospel to anyway for Jesus’ sake). Be careful to not force him. Provide him with examples through your actions and introduce him to the scripture. Jesus did not force, He simply acted according to the law and shared Truth. If he doesn’t know the scripture, then how can he make a decision against it?

Answer #4

first off you cant force him to do anything,,, bring him to church show him how amazing god is if your trully pure he will feel it off you and want to know more

Answer #5

Right on, toadaly. I’m an atheist too and my question was directed at twilightgrl911 because she specifically said “interact.” Thanks for explaining it to those who may not have known.

Answer #6

eleni, the Bible does not say you should not ‘interact’ with nonChristians, but it does say you should not have close relationships with us. It’s in 2 Cor. 6:14. (yes, I’m an atheist. Yes, I’m more familiar with the Bible than most Christians)

Answer #7

well if you are christian then you should know that in the bible it says to not interact w/ non believers… I hope that helps some. haha

Answer #8

don’t force him into been something he’s not it will just make him resent you, try standing by his beliefs

Answer #9

is he a muslim?? I also have a boyfriend hes as muslim…u cant drag thm to christianity…he can marry you even if you convert or not but your children will be a muslim …they say they cant cross that line…

its ok if he will not be a christian, as well as your happy together…gud luk in your relationship

Answer #10

WHAT IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU? If you really love your boyfriend you shouldn’t even consider to convert him into christianity. You should love him for who he is and what he believes in I.e. respect his choices in life, it’s not your choices it’s his and I believe he is intelligent enough to make his own. If you really believe in god then instead of trying to change the person you love try instead to thank god for giving you this wonderful person to be with! Not many people get the chance to love so when it comes your way don’t ruin it because of religion! A religion doesn’t make the person!!!

Answer #11

look you can put that into prayer but remember that if you marry a man that is not a christian it may not help you in some ways.if two of you agree to one thing, it always help in the marriage

Answer #12

I am not trying to put you down. But you describe a person that sounds pretty good already. Why does he need to be Christian? Is that part of your religion?

Answer #13

WHAT IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU? If you really love your boyfriend you shouldn’t even consider to convert him into christianity. You should love him for who he is and what he believes in I.e. respect his choices in life, it’s not your choices it’s his and I believe he is intelligent enough to make his own. If you really believe in god then instead of trying to change the person you love try instead to thank god for giving you this wonderful person to be with! Not many people get the chance to love so when it comes your way don’t ruin it because of religion! A religion doesn’t make the person!!!

Answer #14


Answer #15

I think that it is Possible … but you can get married ..

Answer #16

change your religion to him. that salves all problems.

God is not born in only in Rome

God is there in all countries with different names..

Fools only think existents of Satan.

only one power exists and that is God(different names)

don’t fight for names and prove your immaturity

Answer #17

and also. you cant change your boyfriend, you need to leave that up to God. :)

Answer #18

Where does it say in the Bible that Christians shouldn’t “interact” with non-Christians? Jesus did it all the time much to the despair of the Pharisees.

Answer #19

Why not ask him this question instead of us?

Answer #20

Authur, Great answer…

I totally agree !!!


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