How do I lose weight?

How do I lose weight I weigh 500 pounds and every body makes fun of me please answer my question please I need help.

Answer #1

Get a friend or relative to help you do it, I find it helps to have someone pushing you. Buy some tae bo or pilates or whatever tapes/DVDs and set asiide a half hour everyday to do it. Also, when you’re watching a movie, layd down on the floor, and do leg lifts. Start with 10 and work your way up. Also, get rid of all the junk food in your house. All of the chips, candy, ice cream, SODA. No soda. If you must, get gingerale or sierra mist. Not even diet soda. Switch from coffee to tea. Take an evening walk - really it’s so nice, it gives you a chance to think about things, let your mind relax, and it’s its healthy. Take a relative or friend to the store with you when you go shopping. Tell them to MAKE you not get any junk food. Find out what fruits and vegetables you actually enjoy eating, try carrots or celery or apple slices with peanut butter for a snack. Yogurt is really good, also cheese and crackers! Look up a food pyramid website, a lot of them say that a diet heavy on the fruits, veggies and LEAN PROTEIN is the key to losing weight. Cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, fish.
Also, don’t eat past 8:00pm. No midnight snacks!! Write reminders for yourself, and post them around the kitchen, in the fridge, in the cupboard, etc. Remember how you want to feel about yourself, that will keep you motivated.
A big thing: Stop eating out. Make your own lunches for work, stop going to fast food places for meals. You’ll save money and calories.
Try to walk up the stairs to work, at least once a day. Don’t take the elvator!
You can do it!! Good luck!!

Answer #2

How tall are you?

Answer #3

well the first thing you need to know is that diets dont work! and starving yourself only makes you weaker, not skinnier. eating healthy and exerscising reguarly is the way to go. you dont get results imediantly though. you need to be aware of that. but if you keep at it youll start to see the changes. just eat healthy foods or foods in moderation…also you could eat your food slower as it makes you fuller quicker (so you tend to eat less) and exerscise …start out with like 10 minutes a day. if you dont know what to do grab yourself a 10 minute exerscise dvd/video and work with that. also dont bother drinking fizzy drinks llike soda, coke and all that, even diet ones…they dont do anything good for your body and help put weight on! so drink water

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