Why can't I seem to lose any weight?

Hi, I am a 15 year old girl that weighs 160 pounds and 5 foot 3 and cant lose weight no matter what I do, every time I try I just gain instead of lose and its soo annoying..anyone got any suggestions?? im desperate!!

Answer #1

probably eating all this processed crap in 99% of the food we buy in america.. learn about them. trans fats, high fructose n their effects on the body:)

Answer #2

hey im a 16 yr old girl having the same problem chik at the moment im jst drinkin more water an doin 50 sit upz and 10 minutes of joggin on the spot on a mornin i need to lose weiht as im gon on holiday in 3 weekz and feel soo slef concious about revealin all lol.. if u find any other ways of losin weight quickly let me no would be really grateful and good luck hunni lv kim xx

Answer #3

your food content may contain a number of calories or fat which in results your not shifting any thing and gsining instead.

stick to a fruit and veg diet and consume a small portion at least 2-3 times a day, in addition exercise is also vital were weight loss is concerned. dont forget your proteins as they are jut as importnat in diets such as: -chicken -fish (cod, haddock, salmon, etc. )

best exercise to loose weight is: -skipping -walking/jogging -simming

it will also take up to 1-3 weeks for your body to get uesd to the diet so you may not attain effective results a soon as.

TIP!! drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruit especially before you eat anything as it will make you feel fuller for longer.

good luck!!

Answer #4

What have you tried so far?

Many people try to starve themselves when they want to lose weight. That can just make them gain more, however. When people don’t eat, our metabolism slows down. So if you don’t already, you should eat small meals often. Instead of the traditional three meals a day that most of our parents were raised with, it is now recommended that we eat six small meals. That helps to keep our metabolism going throughout the day.

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