How do I lose some weight?

I go back to school the 19th :( I want to look good this year. Like, body wise. I’m trying really hard to cut back on junkfood & pop. The pop plan is good, I’m only drinking it when I go out to eat at a resturaunt or something. Junk food, not so good. I have an exercise bike in my basement. How long should I ride it to get in shape? Plus, I have stairs in my house, & I could run up & down the first 2 steps. How long should I run up & down them? I kindof notice myself getting a belly on me, and I feel so fat. What should I do?

Answer #1

I can help you with greater detail now! =)

…Your Body mass index (BMI) is 21.5-22.2. (I don’t know your exact height so this is an approximate estimation) Your healthy weight is anywhere from 116-145 pounds. Your ideal weight is 130 pounds. Ideal weight is what people of your gender and/or height would want to weigh. Keep in mind these estimations are JUST calculations and there are many factors to keep in mind including Bone structure/body fat. BMI calculations are no replacement to the guidance of your doctor.

BMI of below 18.5 UNDERWEIGHT BMI of 18.5-24.9 NORMAL WEIGHT BMI of 25-29.9 OVERWEIGHT BMI of 30+ OBESE

I cannot calculate how many calories you need to be consuming unless I know how active you are. Are you sedentary, (Sitting around the house all day with no exercise) lightly active, moderately active, or very active. If you could tell me this I could calculate it as well. If you want to do this yourself, here is the link;

Subtract 500 calories from the calories need to maintain weight. Or burn off 500 calories a day from various activities. (Reducing 500 calories a day/burning 500 calories a day will result in one pound of fat a week)

^ Exercises and how many calories being burnt. Remember, the more you weigh, the more calories you burn.

Answer #2

I can help you with greater detail now! =)

…Your Body mass index (BMI) is 21.5-22.2. (I don’t know your exact height so this is an approximate estimation) Your healthy weight is anywhere from 116-145 pounds. Your ideal weight is 130 pounds. Ideal weight is what people of your gender and/or height would want to weigh. Keep in mind these estimations are JUST calculations and there are many factors to keep in mind including Bone structure/body fat. BMI calculations are no replacement to the guidance of your doctor.

BMI of below 18.5 UNDERWEIGHT BMI of 18.5-24.9 NORMAL WEIGHT BMI of 25-29.9 OVERWEIGHT BMI of 30+ OBESE

I cannot calculate how many calories you need to be consuming unless I know how active you are. Are you sedentary, (Sitting around the house all day with no exercise) lightly active, moderately active, or very active. If you could tell me this I could calculate it as well. If you want to do this yourself, here is the link;

Subtract 500 calories from the calories need to maintain weight. Or burn off 500 calories a day from various activities. (Reducing 500 calories a day/burning 500 calories a day will result in one pound of fat a week)

^ Exercises and how many calories being burnt. Remember, the more you weigh, the more calories you burn.

To maintain your weight/sustain a healthy lifestyle, you need moderate exercise 4-5 days a week, OR vigorous exercise 2-3 days a week. (At least 30 minutes!)

Moderate exercise- Moderate exercise gets your heart to work a little harder. You should sweat, but should not feel wiped out.

Vigorous exercise- To go beyond moderate exercise, and feel wiped out. You should not be able to talk, but not to the point of passing out.

^ Here’s some examples of moderate and vigorous exercises.

Since you sound responsible, I thought I’d tell you all of this information. Good luck!

Answer #3

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

How to LOSE weight?

First, determine from the information below, what your weight should be. Then set yourself goals of a week, 2 weeks, a month, 3 months, 6 months and a year. As you see yourself meeting your goals it becomes easier. Remember, you didn’t gain your weight overnight so don’t expect to lose if overnight. Plus, weight lost slowly is more likely to stay off than weight lost in a hurry.

If you need conversion info, 1 kg = 2.2 pounds and 2.54 cm = 1 inch (12 inches = 1 foot)

Info if you are trying to LOSE weight:

“How can I Lose 1 pound of body weight per week?”

One pound of body fat is equal to about 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of weight per week, you need to eat 500 calories/day LESS than you burn.

But it’s not a good idea to lose weight simply by cutting calories. As well as decreasing calories you should increase your daily physical exercise. This helps to burn calories and build more lean tissue which in turn burns more calories.

“What should a minimum calorie intake be?”

As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low.

Normal Adult Height-Weight Range Table

Average Teenager Weight

Check out this link for exercise information:

  Another thing that helps to lose weight is to always eat a good breakfast. That helps to jump start your metabolism which helps start burning calories. Also, try to drink 8 eight ounce glasses of water every day. One before every meal (except breakfast) and before all snacks. That helps curb your appetite which helps reduce caloric intake.

Answer #4

lol the 19th< lucky I go back the 3rd I for a month now I have been exercising every night drinking water not snacking had 3 meals a day and I was 130 pounds im now 127 < whuppee im going to try a lot of protein, it has benefits

Answer #5

First off, you don’t need to lose weight to look good. Of course it may help, but do you mind posting your weight/height? If you don’t feel comfortable that’s fine. I don’t like giving advice to people who don’t need to lose weight. I could look up your BMI if you don’t know about all of that- to determine if you actually need to lose weight. Just a rough estimate.

Well I read that you need 30 minutes + of aerobic exercises at least three times a week. Good examples of this are Bike Riding, jogging, Karate, anything that gets your heart pumping. :)

If you tell me your height/weight I can help you out more…how much you need to exercise/how much you should be eating. I’m not trying to be nosy.

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