How can I lose weight fast?

ok well im 14 and I weigh 150 and am 5 ‘6 and I want to loose 20 lbs and I just cant loose weight! im not fat at all I actually wear a tight medium but I have a lot of skinny friends and I just want to be skinny like them how can I loose that weight kinda fast!

Answer #1

im trying to do the same thing as you ..ive been yoyo dieting since january 2007 and all i want to do it loose weight so i eat less for a week then somehow my family takes me out for dinner and get me hooked on food for the next week. and then i convince my self i dnt need to loose weight when i do …after months and months of trying to restrict myself you have to draw the line somewere …so the easiest way is don’t eat /…avoid eating breakfast wake up late so your mum has left the house and she cant watch you eat…pour a smothie down the sink…sick up your food …if you cant do that do excersise before bed for an hour…even if you dont eat you arent putting on weight but u r nt loosing it unless you do exercise so you have to excersise go for a jog everyweek …do stuff at skl or at min 50 sit ups a night …the first time its hard but i promise you it gets easier …just keep at it and good luck…dnt be pursuaded by other people they are just jealouse you have a stronger mind than them …and becasue you want to look good!!! good luck again xxx

Answer #2

Hey, I know this question was ages ago, but I read through it and all the comments, and I just have to say well done! 150 to 115 is amazing =]. I’m really happy for you! Take care, Emma xx

Answer #3

I think that watching your fat intake will definetly help I learned from experience the long it takes to lose weight the longer it will stay off. so take your time and you will find results exercise and learn to say im not fat say that everytime you look in the mirror and soon you will feel more confident and the weight will fall off.

good luck

Answer #4

Like katiethree said, becoming anorexic isnt a good idea. I strongly recomend joining a soccer team. It’s really fun, and you do a lot of running. And break your meals down to 4-6 small meals a day.

But still, 150 for 5’6 isnt so bad.

Answer #5

im around ur weight aswell trying to loose weight and i found all of a sudden i dropped 2 pants sizes it was weird… i wasnt doing nething to loose the weight but after i seen that happen i wanna loose some more weight .. not like go anerexic or nething but just a lil more weight to be more confident with myself i dont care wat neone else thinks i just wanna feel good about myself and i feel ok right now but think i can do better

Answer #6

im down to 115 now yall!

Answer #7

Getting on a good diet now and working out will make you lose weight. Get on track now and you’ll be fit for life.

Answer #8

14 years old, don’t worry about it…your still growing…good lord the kids these days…your all growing up faster than your suppose to be…if your not fat then why worry about it…god didn’t make everyone the exact same for a purpose you know. If you want to loose weight, eat right and exercise and I don’t mean for 15 min a day, go for a 5 mile walk…that will take you 3 hours…and you will loose it fast, don’t eat after supper…meaning no eating past 7pm…drink lots and lots of water…the more you drink the more fluids will come off…if you don’t drink alot of water, you body will try to hang on to the fluids, which is called retaining water, and that will make you heavier…but if you want to be a really stupid little girl, don’t eat, take lots of laxitives, whatever you do eat, puke it up and exercise your guts out…this will make you loose weight really fast…not a good idea

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