How do I let this guy down?

Ok, well this guy, that is ironicly friends with the other guy I was talkin about in my other question, likes me… I don’t mean any 2nd grade crush either… He keeps tellin me that he loves me with all his heart, and he will love me till he dies, and all this stuff… and he KNOWS I don’t believe in love… and I don’t even have any feelings for him at all!! I don’t feel the same way!!! I hate it… I don’t know what to do… so My question is, how would you let down a guy in a nice way? He is really sensitive… so How should I do this???

Answer #1

Thnx denru… and 2yearbet… whats thats guy’s name? and I know… he asked me out while going out with my best friend… :( … I finally told him that I don’t feel the same time at all… and I think he took it overboard because he said he won’t talk to me and now Jacob (his best friend) won’t talk to me either… what should I do about that?

Answer #2

btw seriously he told you he loved u? (just realized something this guy your talking about might say that a lot, and he might not be as trust worthy as you think I mean he asked you out when he was going with someone else also he is stronger when it comes to pride then anything, just make it clear you have feelings for some one else and that you like him only on a friend friend relationship

Answer #3

well just tell him plain out that you dont believe in it btw im kinda sad now(what happened to you luv your mommy?) btw I know this guy and if he gets depressed tell him ull name your first kid after him lol

Answer #4

if you’ve already told him no then find someone else for him to love. I know what it’s like since I’m a guy who can fall head over heels for a lot of girls that when your sights are set, not much can get in the way…unless another girl who’s “perfect” comes along. find someone else for him and he’ll eventually change his mind.

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