How do I know which guy?

I have really liked this guy and he keeps asking me out and I keep rejecting him, im not too sure why he is really nice, handsome ect.. I think maybe the thing holding me back is this other guy who keeps asking me out and I really wan2 say yes to im but I cant, well tonight me and one if these guys are watching movies and I think somthing might happen. What do I do about the other guy that I like just as much!? please help!!

Answer #1

my advice is go on a date with both of them. its ok to date multiple people at the same time. dating is not the same as going steady. get a feel for what both of them have to offer. find out who you can have a better time with, which of the two is easier to flirt with and who will be more emotionally fulfilling for you. if it helps, just slap on the label that you want to “hang out” but treat it as a date. then at the end, pick the better of the two options.

Answer #2

You need to maybe back off from both of them and work out yourself who you have more feelings for. because you may be leading one of them on which doesnt end very well. If you have chosen already that the guy your seeing to watch movies is the one you want to give it a go with, then be honest and tell the other guy you just arnt interested. Either way you need to tell one of them because you cant have both, its a cruel world :)

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