How do I know if my neighbor likes me?

how do I know if my niegbor likes me. the other day I was in the backyard cleaning up and I seen her grabbing a lemon off the tree. I think she had got sumthing to stand on top of, to see over the fence. I pretty sure she did that to get a look at me and what my dumbass did was continue cleaning like if I didn’t notice here. do you think I messed up and if not how could I start talking to her..

Answer #1

I want to see a lemon tree, sounds cool, don’t have those around here :( Anyways, she might, she might not. Start a conversation with her or something, people show they like someone in different ways.

Answer #2

She most likely needed a ladder to get the lemons off the tree! No definite signs of an interest in her neighbor though.

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