How do I just learn to be more myself?

Lot’s of people have told me I try to hard & need to just be myself. I don’t understand, because I don’t just like things because other people do, I wear what I want etc .. So I don’t understand what they mean to just be myself. Please help , its the new year , & I go back to school Monday january 4th. I really want to make this a good year & change. So please help, How do I be more myself? Thankyou! xoxo :)

Answer #1

if you’re being yourself then don’t worry about what other people have to say they’ll always have their own opinions but you shouldn’t let them dictate your life and just so you know if they were really just being themselves and doing them they wouldn’t be worried about you so the next time somebody tells you to be yourself just tell them to mind they motherfukkin business lol jk something a little less harsh should work though

Answer #2

It is basically all about not giving in to peer pressure and other influences. An example (hopefully a good one); most of the people I know have iPhones; I don’t, as I have an Eternity. When I was around your age (13?), it seemed like the cool thing to always be with groups of the “cool people”. Not me, I liked small groups or just being alone.

Just be loose, don’t think too much (a big problem myself; a work in-progress), do what you like, and smile.

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