How do I go about stripping my hair at home?

Before you tell me I shouldn’t do it by myself, I can’t go to a salon. Or that it will damage my hair really bad, I already know that. So I have medium brown hair and in the end of the process am shooting for a dark natural blonde with some low lights and highlights in it. I was planning to strip it and then put the blonde dye in, then later do the highlights and lowlights. Will this work? How many times do I have to strip it before I can apply the dye? And plus where can I even get a kit? Any tips will help, thanks. xx

Answer #1

I did my moms hair blonde and she had brown hair, I went to Sally’s and bought loreal volume 40 lifter and a tube of loreal color. I mixed them together and applied it to the hair. It worked really good. And thats just to get it the blonde color you want, and just so you know they have a 20 and 30 volume too and the difference between the volumes is the higher the vol, the lighter the blonde. Then if you want to add high and low lights, Im sure they have the kits at sally’s. And it should work, it did for my mom and only had to go over it once. Once you get the blonde you want then you can apply the high and low lights. Also too, from my experiences, the people that work there are very helpful and knowledgeable about the products.

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