How do I get sex?

Well I havnt had sex with my b/f yet ,we ve been together for about 4/5 months now and I really want to,but I cant just say babe I want sex,whats the best way to get it?

Answer #1

thankyuuu guys XD shawns girl was really helpful and just to say im not a virgin lol but thanks anyways LOVEZ XXX

Answer #2

yeh well I know that but I cant just be like come on get naked I want sex…

Answer #3

get him to a room and get naked and have sex

Answer #4

Ask him how he feels your relationship is going and if he is ready to take it to the next level, then he will probably ask what level is that in your mind, and you can then tell him losing your virginity to him!

Answer #5

u could start kissing him then move to his neck and and suck his ear this will make him really had and he will be ready to fuck u..

Answer #6

pretty much put a condom in your back pocket…once you two are gettin all “hot” undo his pants and (if you do) give him a little head and take the condom out of your pocket, look him in the eyes and put the condom in his hand…hell put it on and youll have sex. lol

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