How can I get rid of acne?

ok I need help.I have acne and right now its worse than before and I dunno why.I’ve tried everything. I tried proactiv which didnt work.clearasil ultra which didnt work.soap bars clean and clear neutrogena. and I even went to a derm.which wasnt really working for me either.I tried everything! so please going 2 the mall and movies 2morrow night with my crush and my frens. and I really want to look my best because well I dont want to be the only pimple-face out of my my question is:if its possible, how do I get rid of acne in one day using household products?

Answer #1

Firstly using substances derived from vitamin A like retin-a or tazarotene, to reduce inflammation of the skin and to unplug pores. Retin-A can cause skin reddening at first but this is quite normal as the skin’s blood supply is improved and younger looking skin begins to appear presenting a youthful complexion. Using a product that includes zinc will also help the vitamin a function better. you can find more information at

Answer #2

are you on birthcontrol pills..they cause acne..u may can try switching to some that dont have the acne side effect (if that’s possible).

Avoid greasy foods, drink more water, lots of water. Dont bust your pimples. I hate that proactiv didnt work for you :( it worked for me - the mask. maybe you can try wearing the mask all night (if you havent already).

home remedies: Toothpaste on the pimples will sucked them up (cant remember which brand does the trick-but not generic) over night.

And foot cream, you know like for atheletes foot, I heard this works the best. I’ve used it once or twice on my pimples and it does. Try that.

Answer #3

Strong cleaners will actually make acne worse because they take so much oil out of your skin that your body automatically produces MORE oil, making it worse. What you need to do it buy a gentle cleanser and moisturize with a oil-free lotion.

Answer #4

use proactive

Answer #5

try proactive and change your make up to water base, or mineral make up.

Answer #6

this is easssy.proactive

Answer #7

So, sorry to imform that you cant get rid of it in a day maybe a week or so. I know that i had really bad acne in 7,8,9 th grade. I felt terrible cause like you i didnt want to be the only “pimple face” lol. But i think that i was watching opra or something and they were doing a segment on skin. so i watched and they had some really helpfull advice, whithin like a week and a half there was no acne to be found. So here it is:

  1. When you pop your white heads dont use your hands cause you will get the oil clogged in the pore which will cause more acne, you should use cue tips.

  2. If you have some red spots but the white head hasnt surfaced yet, you can put some toothpaste on it and in about a day the head will show up and then you can pop it.

  3. In order to get and maintain clear skin you need to wash your face when you wake up and before you go to sleep, i know that if i miss either one of those i will break out really bad, you can use some cheap walmart face sponges or something like that.

  4. If you have a really bad pimple that just wont go away, this sounds really gross but it works, you can put some preperation H on it and it will clear it right up.

I hope that this helps, im a senior in high school this year and i know that for me it was really hard to have acne, cause you just dont feel beautiful, but just be you. Good Luck!

Answer #8

youo can use household items to clear acne..baking soad works as a scrub put on for about 10-15 sec.also lemon juice.that help with the oils and take of dead skin.try some vinegar with water that helps so good.and this might sound wiered but egg whites.crack an egg put the yoke in a sepret dish then the whites. and use the whites as a mask.otmeal can work very good too. those are just sugestions thow.

Answer #9

wow why do people keep suggesting proactive when she clearly says that it didnt work for her lol… but in any case I think the most you could do is drink a lot of water and wash your face twice a day just like the few people who were paying attention suggested. Acne sucks and I still get it occasionally and I just graduated from high school. But GL to you and hopefully it will clear up!

Answer #10

use products that have 35% benzoil peroxide cut back on fast food and clean your face alot

Answer #11

I have been using this new product called stride-x. you can buy it a a pharmact it works great, I should know, I’ve been there.

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